The History of Reflexology


It is important to be aware of the great archetypal history manifested by the practitioners which dates back over 6,000 years.

Our study of the ancient Egyptian doctors starts 4,500 years ago. They were among the first to study the human body scientifically. They became masters at setting bones, caring for wounds and successfully treating many illnesses. Egyptian artists preserved the history of surgery, anatomical observation and medical treatments through their meticulous record keeping.

Ed and Ellen Case of Los Angeles, while on tour of Egypt in l979, discovered a pictograph on the wall of the tomb of Ankhmahar which is located in Saqqara. This is known as the tomb of the physician and has been dated by Egyptologists at 2330 B.C.

This is the third oldest recorded history of pedis/manus-cure reflexology to date and gives the modern day practitioner a consciousness of its roots and a sense of connection with one of the oldest health care professions in the world. In the artist’s painted illustration of the original pictograph, the physicians are pressuring the Great toe (spleen/pancreas and liver meridians) and thumb (lung meridian) of their respective patients; while the patients themselves are putting pressure on a gallbladder meridian point under their arm.

Pain was an indicator of a problem according to the hieroglyphic translation made by the Papyrus Institute in Cairo. The patient says to the physician: “Don’t let it be painful.” The modern reflexologist has some patients with the same request; while others embrace the pain; knowing that the best results are due to a strong “current of injury”.

The reply of the physician shows consideration of the patient; working within his pain tolerance level: “I do as you please.” A patient must be educated to the benefits of the pain created by pressure on a point.

As we consider the early origins of reflexology, I wish to present some modern day considerations that must be adopted into the practice of this ancient healing art. It is of interest to me that the medical specialist had a practical trade as well as his therapy practice (stone carver/foot reflexologist) in ancient Egypt.

Many modern Reflexologists combine their practice with another occupation (auto mechanic/foot reflexologist). Don’t put off living your life until you are “better.” (“I’ll do it when I’ve learned more ….. when I’m older …..when I have more money …..when I have more time.”)

Look for all the positive things taking place in and around you right now. As you find them, naturally you’ll feel more joyful. In life we have either results or try to justify our failure. If we don’t have what we want (results), we usually have a long list of reasons why we haven’t had success.

Reflexology offers you an incredibly effective method of affecting the health of yourself and your family in a positive manner as well as a positive way to express your life.

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Author: Piyawut Sutthiruk

Losing weight will keep you healthy and have a long life. Cheer Up!

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