Realistic Exercises To Get Rid Of Cellulite


Exercise is a key element to staying young and feeling healthy. It improves upon overall circulation, metabolizes fats so they don’t settle on the body (for example, cellulite) and it allows us to detoxify. We all know that it is good for us, but many Americans resist the positive qualities it can bring to our lives, such as looking and feeling better about ourselves. When compiling our anti-cellulite program which may include supplements, a heart healthy diet, a good cellulite product, massage techniques and flushing the toxins out with water, we cannot forget to include exercises to get rid of cellulite. It is important, however, to note that no one exercise can perform miraculous results on the body if it is not part of a bigger anti-cellulite regimen.

There are several exercises to get rid of cellulite that can be included in your gym routine to help rid the body of the overall appearance of cottage cheese on the thighs, hips, butt and stomach areas. There are two types of exercise to be incorporated in your program including, anaerobic (weight training) and aerobic/cardiovascular (speed walking, running/jogging, swimming) type activities.

Both of these types of exercise help the body to improve the difficult areas in women, normally the hips, thighs, butt and stomach. A cardiovascular workout assists with improved circulation of blood enabling the body to promote detoxification. It also metabolizes fat and burns it off. Weight training allows you to firm the underlying muscles in the body, making the skin appear smoother on the surface. When you build muscle you also burn fat in a targeted area, so you don’t even have to be fat to focus on the areas that need extra attention. These aerobic and anaerobic programs should be performed as part of a routine either on separate days or can be together in one workout, with preferably the weight training coming first.

The best exercises to get rid of cellulite focus on the trouble areas where the fatty tissue seems to accumulate most in women. You may want to include exercises such as leg curls, lunges, abductor and adducter (for outer and inner thighs) and stiff-legged deadlifts. Also, it’s important not to forget to warm up at least 5-10 minutes before performing these exercises 3-5 times in repetitions of 15-25 with very little break in between. This keeps the metabolism up, burning off fat and helping the body to detoxify. Try creating a program similar to this in partnership with a cardiovascular program (either on the same or a different day) to keep the metabolism in top burning mode.

As always, it’s best to consult with a physician or personal trainer before beginning any type of exercise program. This way you know you will be completely the routines safely under the guidance of an expert who is familiar with your health condition(s).

So remember, the best exercises to get rid of cellulite are the ones coupled with a healthy diet, lots of water, a good anti-cellulite product, massage techniques and a commitment to follow a program that is the most comprehensive to see better results happen faster!

Learn more information about exercises to get rid of cellulite and other useful tips at our informative resource:

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Author: Piyawut Sutthiruk

Losing weight will keep you healthy and have a long life. Cheer Up!

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