Nutritional Supplements – A Few Reality Checks


Aside from big Pharma being on their anti-nutritional supplement kick, there is another dark side to the supplement business that needs to have a little exposure. How often have we heard the comment “it’s natural so it’s safe?” Well, deadly nightshade and poisonous mushrooms are natural but I wouldn’t eat either so that nonsensical comment about natural being safer should be thrown to the wolves.

There are other issues in the supplement industry that need to be exposed as well. A number of the problems stem from multi-level companies which tout their products as being the best things in the world and that they will answer all of your health needs if you just sign up and buy their products. One such company touts that they have over 90 minerals in their multivitamin/multimineral supplement and that this will bring incredible vitality to all who use it. Well, I’m here to give you the old, “buyer beware” warning. If you think mercury, cadmium, aluminum, and arsenic are essential to health, then by all means buy the gunk. If you know otherwise like most of us do, then you’ll avoid that overpriced toxic soup like the plague.

When I argued with one of the shills from this multilevel company and pointed out the fact that their product contained poisonous heavy metals, he proclaimed loudly that “they were organic heavy metals and therefore safe.” When I pressed further and noted that the claim he made was absolute rubbish and total nonsense because organic heavy metals still posed a health threat he responded with the comment that “God put it on earth so it has to be safe.” He then accused me of being anti-God which took me aback because the last time I heard that kind of reasoning was when I was in elementary school.

The other problem with many of these products is their incredible expense. You’ve got to pay all of those downline distributors so the retail price of the products they hawk have to be exorbitant to start with. Best to go to your local health food store and buy a high quality multivitamin (capsules not tableted) and save yourself a lot of money and aggravating sales pitches from the salesmen.

Mark Schauss is the President of Carbon Based Corporation a company dedicated to diseminating health information, especially when it comes to laboratory testing. He has lectured the world over on subjects as far ranging as environmental health, nutrition, lab testing and childhood neurological conditions, especially epilepsy a condition his oldest girl is afflicted with. Mark has also been involved in the alternative health community for over 20 years. His opinions have often times struck a controversial note not because of outrageous claims but because of his strident fervor of finding the truth. Hucksters, marketers and the dishonest are his life goal targets. Highly respected in the community, his talks spark numerous “ah ha” moments as well as a deeper understanding of the important health questions of the day.

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Author: Piyawut Sutthiruk

Losing weight will keep you healthy and have a long life. Cheer Up!

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