Everything to Tell About Vitamins


Vitamins are organic substances that are essential for the growth and maintenance of living organisms. We unlike plants have to get vitamins through the foods we eat. Plants have it easy because they can make vitamins themselves. There are two categories of vitamins. The first is fat soluble vitamins. These last in the body longer and stick to your fat cells. If you have a well balanced diet you shouldn’t need to take any vitamin supplements. Vitamin D is recommended for women who don’t get much sun exposure depending on where you are living. The second category of vitamins is water soluble. We usually eat these through our foods everyday and they usually go quick through our bodies and out through our urine. Some examples of water soluble vitamins are vitamin C and the B vitamins.

Fat-soluble vitamins

Vitamin A

Functions: Essential for the development of bone, teeth, hair and used to synthesize visual pigments Good source of beta carotene

Food Sources: Yellow fruits and veggies, green vegetables, most dairy products

Symptoms of over dose: Hair loss, bone pain, malformed fetuses

Symptoms of depletion: Dry skin, night blindness

Vitamin D

Functions: Promotes bone development, and aids in the absorption of calcium

Food sources: Fish oils, milk, sunlight

Symptoms of overdose: Stunted growth, kidney damage

Symptoms of depletion: Bone deformities

Vitamin E

Functions: Helps support the function of cells throughout the body; help counter the effects of free radicals in the body

Food sources: Most nuts, broccoli

Symptoms of overdose: Fatigue, nauseas

Symptoms of depletion: Nerve damage

Vitamin K

Functions: Aids in blood clotting

Food sources: Green leafy vegetables, cauliflower, liver

Symptoms of overdose: Liver damage

Symptoms of depletion: chronic bleeding

Water-soluble vitamins

B1 (thiamin)

Functions: Aids in the formation of connective tissues

Food sources: Whole grains, green leafy vegetables

Symptoms of overdose: None reported

Symptoms of depletion: fatigue, water retention

B2 (riboflavin)

Functions: Aid in cell respiration, growth, and coenzyme action

Food sources: whole grains, lean meats, and dairy products

Symptoms of overdose: increased urine color which is usually harmless

Symptoms of depletion: Dizziness, fatigue, stunted growth, eye disorders

B3 (niacin)

Functions: Plays a significant role in metabolism

Food sources: Green leafy vegetables, whole grains

Symptoms of overdose: liver damage, dry skin

Symptoms of depletion: slow metabolism

B5 (Pantothenic acid)

Functions: Aids in the digestion of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats

Food sources: Whole grains, legumes, and eggs

Symptoms of overdose: fatigue, nausea

Symptoms of depletion: None reported

B6 (pyridoxine)

Functions: Aids in amino acid metabolism

Food sources: Most plant foods

Symptoms of overdose: Loss of coordination, numbness

Symptoms of depletion: Mental disorders, skin disorders, and tooth decay

Folic acid (vitamin M)

Functions: Aids in metabolism

Food sources: Dark green leafy vegetables, whole grains

Symptoms of Overdose: Insomnia

Symptoms of depletion: Diarrhea, loss of appetite, constipation


Functions: Aids in metabolism, and forming new cells

Food sources: Meat, dairy products

Symptoms of Overdose: None currently reported

Symptoms of depletion: fatigue, anemia


Functions: Used in amino acid and glycogen metabolism

Food sources: Green vegetables, liver

Symptoms of Overdose: None currently reported

Symptoms of depletion: Fatigue, body soreness

Vitamin C

Functions: Antioxidant, helps strengthen immune system, and aids in healing

Food sources: Citrus fruits, dark green leafy vegetables

Symptoms of Overdose: Diarrhea, fatigue

Symptoms of depletion: Weak immune defense

Doug Purcell

Certified Personal Trainer

Alternative Medicine Expert

Owner of www.cardiacgym.com [http://www.cardiacgym.com]

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