How to Choose the Best Personal Trainer For You


If you think that you’d benefit from a personal trainer, then you’ll want to make sure that you get the right one.

Here’s how to choose the right personal trainer.

1. You’ll need to establish why you want a personal trainer. Is it to help you lose weight? Do you want to gain weight? Do you need more strength ti improve your sporting performance?

2. It’s important that you understand what do you want to achieve? Do you want to lose weight, or have a more structured training plan, or stay motivated?

3. If you haven’t already decided, you’ll need to decide whether you’ll meet your personal trainer at the gym, or at your home. Depending on what exercises you need to do will help to determine where you need to exercise. If you’re going to be mainly running, then you’ll want to be outside, if you’re going to be lifting weights, you’ll want to go to the gym.

4. If you don’t know of any trainers, then why not ask friends and colleagues for their recommendations? There’s bound to be someone who’s had experience with a personal fitness coach.

5. You’ll want to know what sort of qualifications your fitness coach has. Are they qualified? Will they actually make a difference to you? Are they just a fitness fanatic posing a personal trainer?

6. What sort of experience your potential trainer has is important too. If they’re newly qualified, are you going to be their first client? Have they got many satisfied clients on their books?

7. You’ll want to ask them when you can start. If you can start straight away, then they might not be very busy, in which case they might not be very good. If you can’t start for several months, can you wait that long?

8. You’ll want to get a feel for what exercises they recommend in order to help you reach your health and fitness goals. If you want to bulk up, then you’ll be doing different exercises compared to someone who wants to lose weight, or become a faster runner.

9. You’ll want to get on well with your trainer, as you’ll be spending a lot of time with them. However, you’ll need them to be firm but fair, so that you don’t spend all the time talking.

10. You can’t choose a personal trainer on price alone. The cheapest one might not give you the exercises you need to get the results you want. You won’t get value for money if you have to try several trainers before you find the right one. The most expensive trainer might work out to provide the best value for money in the end.

Now you know what to look for, you’ll be able to choose a personal trainer that’s right for you.

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Author: Piyawut Sutthiruk

Losing weight will keep you healthy and have a long life. Cheer Up!

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