Your body’s “pH”


So what’s all the shake up about anyway?.
To put it to you straight your body’s ”pH” is everything “Life Itself”.
If you ask most people about ”pH” what do you think they associate it to?

With women chances are there subconscious has been programed with hair care and the importance of ”pH” for a fuller & stronger head of hair. Men’s associations are different, most men understand less about hair care, but more about ”pH” levels of water. A prime example would be a ‘swimming’ pool man. His job is to check the ”pH” levels of the water, so it’s safe for others to swim.

An accurate association we all should adopt is the fish story! You may ask what’s the fish story all about? Well, Lets say you have a fish tank full of fish. One day you come home to find all your once healthy fish have died. What do you do? Get rid of the fish tank and buy a cat? Buy more fish and hope they live longer than the last ones.

Whats the answer?

Change the water and clean up the fishes environment. You maybe asking how does this story relate to me? Well, think of the fish as your body and their water is your blood that your cells and organs bathe in. Now imagine you subject your body’s internal fluids every day to toxins and acids from smoking, drugs, excessive intake of foods & the wrong kinds of foods. (Acid producing foods like Dairy, soda’s, coffee, sugar and animal proteins). The over consumption of acid forming foods, and any number of transgressions which will compromise the delicate balance of our internal alkaline fluids.

A chronically over acidic ”pH” corrodes body tissue, slowly eating into 60,000 miles of veins and arteries like acid eating through marble. If left unchecked, it will interrupt all cellular activities and functions, from the beating of your heart to the neural firing of your brain. Overacidifcation interferes with life itself, leading to all sickness and disease.

How do we prevent this from happening?

We must first understand the two most important numbers of the body. The first one is the delicate temperature of the body, 98.6 percent, Lets say that are body temperature heats up only 4-6 degrees, what happens? We get very sick and if not lowered there is a good chance we could die (burn up from the inside out.)

The other number we must focus on is are ”pH” level. To be healthy it must be maintained at 7.356 on a ‘pH’ scale of 0-14.”0″ being total acid (Death) and 14 being total alkaline also fatal.

pH definition

pH is the measurement of hydrogen ions. Increased hydrogen ions (less bonding) result in a drop of the pH (more acidic water), while a decrease results in a pH rise.

pH = power of hydrogen.

pH is measured on a scale from 0-14. The neutral value is 7, while values below are more acidic (towards a car battery) and values above 7 more basic (towards dish soap).

pH has a logarithmic function (mathematical – meaning ten-fold). In other words, a change in pH from 7 to 6 means 10 times more acidic water. A further drop to a pH of 5 equals 100 times more acidic water

So for our bodies and organs to work at their optimum efficiency we must be at 7.365 ”pH” level. At this point you may be thinking this is to technical! To be honest it’s very easy. First you need to ask yourself a few questions. Am I unhappy with how I look? How I feel or am I aging to fast? If the answer to anyone or all of these questions is yes, you now have the motivation to change.

The key to making this kind of program work for you is to decide that how you are feeling or how you are looking is no longer exceptable and you will do what ever it takes to create your new outcome.

You may be saying this type of program makes sense (Internal health.) I am also motivated to make it happen, but how do I know when my ”pH” is at a healthy level? The first way to know is to go out and buy ”pH” strips at your local drug store or health food store. Make sure you use them on an empty stomach in the morning to get an accurate reading. The other way is to follow an alkaline diet. What kinds of foods can I eat?
Now remember, don’t think you have to change everything over night. The plan I used was the gradual pHase, where I added green foods & green supplements slowly. Asparagus, spinach, celery, cauliflower, soy sprouts, carrots, High protein lentils, tofu & almonds to list a few. Before I new it I was craving them all the time.

After three months on green & alkaline foods and an outstanding green drink product called Supergreens by Innerlight I felt like a new man in his 20’s, not bad for a man 40 plus.
My other great surprise was that I developed better tone & muscle than I had on a typical bodybuilding diet that I had been on previously.
In life we are so busy making a living that we lose what the real purpose of life is. Part of your purpose is to create the body & energy that can take you to the mountain top of success. As long as you focus on being better than you are at this moment, no matter how good it is, all of life’s rewards will be yours for the taking.

Warmest Regards,
James Spicer
James Spicer, Fitness trainer
Neuro- Fit – All Rights Reserved 2002

Please visit James at to learn what makes James tick!!

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Losing weight will keep you healthy and have a long life. Cheer Up!

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