We Are Surrounded By Poisons And Toxins Every Day


About sixty years ago, Governments gave approval for the use of a medical procedure, which caused thousands of people throughout the world to develop an Iatrogenic disease, which the dictionary states is “One generated or induced by the physician”

That procedure was known as a Myelogram, there was a injection of a substance called “Myodil” into the spinal cavity for diagnosis purposes.
The body was then tipped in all directions so that the fluid would go to all areas inside the spine and then would show up, as it had fluorescent properties. The idea was great, it opened up all sorts of possibilities, with a correct diagnosis being one of the main achievements.

Myodil was the real problem however, because it contained Benzine, Hydrochloric Acid and Sulphuric Acid, though I must add that they would not have been in powerful proportions, but all are classified as dangerous substances.

The condition that this caused in many of the patients that had received this treatment, was characterised by a chronic inflammation of the Arachnoid Mater, which is one of the three membranes that cover the spinal cord and brain,

Today they are putting Fluoride and Chlorine among other things in our drinking water, when will all this forced medication, bring to light the problems that we have yet to face.

Please check out our websites, for help to overcome these problems.

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Author: Piyawut Sutthiruk

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