Cardio Exercise – Tips For A Healthy Heart


First, you need to understand that you are not alone in considering that heart health is a matter of extreme importance as it is the vital organ of your body that keeps you going about in life; everyone worries about cardio exercise for the same reason – they want to stick around long enough to enjoy life to the lees! I don?t blame you for wanting the same thing; but, did you know that there are ways to increase your cardio output so as to ensure your heart is healthy even as you age?

If not, stick around and learn just how you can have a healthy heart!
The most important thing that you need to understand about heart health is that exercise in moderation and under supervision after doctor’s permission is always good for your increased heart health; there are two essential types of cardio exercise that you can consider, depending on the current condition of your heart functionality.

These are high and low intensity exercises that work to burn off body fat, which can be harmful for the efficient functioning of the heart and even cause the arteries to clog up with excess fat leading to serious complications and much discomfort, pain and expenses that can well be avoided simply by healthy levels of cardio exercise.

Medical science reveals to us that during the course of the body enduring an intensive work-out, the benefits for the human system are many: it works on the principle of the body burning stored glycogen, a type of carbohydrate that is present in the liver and muscles for energy. However, during low intensity workouts, the body burns fat.

So, if you see so many fat people around you that are currently on low intensity workouts you may well be wondering if this works at all for reducing fat; the answer is no. If it did work, then why would they still be fat? Think about it!

This is because what happens during a low intensity workout like walking or swimming is that the body does burn fat, but actual calories are only burnt during high intensity work-outs such as running, cycling, jogging etc. So apart from burning off stored glycogen, the high intensity work-out also has the added advantage of burning up many more fat calories than the lower intensity exercise, which in turn spells a healthy heart for you – for many years to come.

Thus, the benefits of a high intensity cardio exercise includes raising the fat burning metabolism during and even after the work-out is completed, which is not available to those indulging in low intensity cardio or aerobic exercises; furthermore, the freedom of combining various kinds of high intensity work-outs (5 minutes of running interspersed with 5 minutes of jogging then another 5 minutes of cycling etc.) allows for more variety and more calorie-burning during high intensity work-outs that are not present at all in low-intensity ones.

It also helps build endurance and energy in the long run, so you may want to stick to that cardio exercise track for a while – and gift yourself a healthy heart.

Abhishek is a Health And Fitness expert and he has got some great Fitness Secrets [] up his sleeve! Download his FREE 111 Page Ebook, “Complete Body Fitness” from his website []. Only limited Free Copies available.

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Author: Piyawut Sutthiruk

Losing weight will keep you healthy and have a long life. Cheer Up!

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