What is Yoga?


Yoga began during the Indus Valley civilization in South Asia. The original system was an eightfold path named Asthangayoga. First written records of yoga date back to 200 BC in Yogasutra of Patanjali. Yoga itself is really not a religion, however, it is connected to the Hindu tradition and is based on many of their beliefs such as karma and reincarnation.

Yoga originally meant “union” in ancient India where yoga was first started. Many believe that this union occurs between the mind, body and spirit. There are 8 types of yoga and asana deals with the physical side of postures or poses rather than spiritual matters that most of the other types deal with. Modern language has brought the terms asana and yoga to mean almost the same thing.

Yoga is an all encompassing system of exercise that creates a healthy mind, body and spirit. Breathing, meditation, healthy eating, and positive thinking are just some of the activities that have a beneficial effect on people that perform yoga. Yoga brings emotional and physical health together that causes a very powerful response. Yoga is practiced to balance an individuals life so they can enjoy good health and overall well-being. We will be discussing in more detail on this site poses, practice and classes.

Yoga is definitely more than just stretching. It involves a balance that is created through building flexibility and strength. Practice is a term often used to describe your personal experience with yoga, which is always changing and improving. The great thing about yoga is you can start anywhere with your practice. Even the least “talented” or most out of shape can start and improve from where they are currently.

Those wondering where to begin should definitely get started by joining a yoga class. If you are looking for a good physical workout, then joining a class at the gym is best. If you are looking to develop your spiritual life, then you may want to find classes at a yoga center. Whatever your preference is, there are classes that will suit your needs.

Matt Morrison wrote this article for a Yoga [http://www.yogahabits.com] site that discusses items like positions de yoga [http://www.yogahabits.com]. Visit their site for more yoga information.

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Author: Piyawut Sutthiruk

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