Keep on Laughing – Inside the World of Laughter Yoga!


“The entire world is an extended family; let us join through love and laughter” Dr. Madan Kataria.

Dr. Kataria, Founder of the World Laughter Yoga movement practices what he preaches. He travels the world educating people on the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual benefits of Laughter Yoga. A typical Laughter Yoga Session involves many educational and physical expeiences. When you attend your first Laughter Yoga session you will be greeted by the Laughter Yoga Leader or sometimes referred to as the “Club Anchor”. Attendees are encouraged to leave their worries, both physical and emotional at the door and try to connect with their child-like playful sprit.

This individual will ask all members to stand in a circle or semi-circle. He or she will then give commands to initiate different types of laughter and exercises, while maintaining eye contact and moving closer to interact with each other. This is done to create a sense of closeness or intimacy among the group members.

Laughter Yoga has two components: 1) Laughter Yoga Exercises and 2) Laughter Meditation and there are some important guidelines one should follow to optimize the Laughter Yoga experience. They are: all participants should start laughing at the same time, when the anchorperson gives the command 1, 2… start because, when a group laughs at the same time, the effect is good. Do not apply too much force while laughing. It should be more of a feeling and enjoying of the process. The duration of Laughter Yoga Exercises is usually 20-30 minutes, that includes laughter, breathing and stretching exercises. The Laughter Exercises are suggested guidelines to get started, and it is not mandatory to follow the same sequence of Laughter Exercises every time.

A group can develop their own unique Laughter Exercise to make the session more interesting and playful. Ideally, a group of 15-20 persons makes a good dynamic for an infectious Laughter Session. More people always help to create a better impact, but even 5-10 people can have a good Laughter Session, if they are committed. Each Laughter Exercise lasts for 30-45 seconds, or a maximum of one minute. After each bout of Laughter or sometimes after two bouts, two deep breaths are taken, in order to provide a break. This avoids exertion and tiredness. Sometimes, various neck, shoulder and arm stretching exercise are done in place of deep breathing, between Laughter Exercises.

A typical Laughter Session is a perfect blend of various laughter techniques, interspersed with breathing, stretching, rhythmic clapping and chanting HO HO HA HA HA, in unison. The Laughter Yoga session starts to wind down with Laughter Meditation. After the Laughter Yoga exercises, we make an effort to laugh in a group, which soon becomes infectious. In Laughter Meditation one doesn’t have to make an effort to laugh, but laughter flows out like a fountain without any reason, much more spontaneous and deeper. The session then is complete; we end with some deep breathing and relaxation exercises.

Doug Dvorak is the CEO of DMG Inc., a worldwide organization that assists clients with productivity training, corporate humor and workshops, as well as other aspects of sales and marketing management. Mr. Dvorak’s clients are characterized as Fortune 1000 companies, small to medium businesses, civic organizations and service businesses. Mr. Dvorak has earned an international reputation for his powerful educational methods and motivational techniques, as well as his experience in all levels of business, corporate education and success training.

If you would like to experience the benefits of free flowing laughter, contact Doug Dvorak, Certified Laughter Yoga Leader and Founder of the Chicago Live Life Laughing Club @ 847-359-6969 or

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Losing weight will keep you healthy and have a long life. Cheer Up!

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