Failing to lose weight: 6 common mistakes


Are you wondering why you can’t lose weight despite a healthy diet and exercise? Losing weight is the sum of several factors. Check out what are your most common mistakes.

Ailing to lose weight,Failing to lose weight: 6 common mistakes in 2021 Articles despite diet and sports Activity is a common problem. Many wonder why the efforts are not paying off. The point is that weight loss is a complex process, the sum of several factors.

In addition to following a diet and exercising, you need to pay attention to several mistakes that prevent you from reaching your goal.

Failing to lose weight: 6 common mistakes 1.Failing to lose weight while eating very littleDo you only eat vegetables and grilled steak? Or do you dine only with fruit? It might seem contradictory, but reducing your calorie intake too much and following an excessively strict diet could slow your metabolism, causing it to go into “energy-saving” mode.

The result is that the body begins to burn fewer calories, which makes weight loss more difficult. Also, you will be hungry and more tempted by gluttony.

This style is unhealthy and cannot be maintained over time. To know your energy needs, the most suitable figure is the nutritionist or dietician.

2.Overdo it on the weekendAre you scrupulous with your diet on weekdays but do you go fishy on food on weekends? There is little point in following a strict diet from Monday to Friday and then abandoning it altogether at the weekend.

Better to keep a constant diet for the whole week, including some small gluttony. Adopt the thought “I am on a healthy diet” instead of “I am on a diet”.

3.Eating too fast and failing to lose weightEating too fast and failing to lose weight eating too fast hinders weight loss because the brain does not receive the satiety signal. We, therefore, tend to eat more than we should.

This point can also be influenced by the habit of watching television or mobile phones: we often do not even realize what we are eating.

We recommend that you dedicate at least 20 minutes to the meal, away from electronic devices. Be aware of what you put in your mouth. Eating with family or friends can certainly help.

4.Eliminate carbohydratesIt is a miscalculation to eliminate bread, pasta, rice, potatoes, or legumes. Depriving carbohydrates only produces more anxiety and increases the body’s demand for sugar.

If we don’t eat pasta for lunch, we’ll have a snack with biscuits, chocolate or any other dessert. The secret, therefore, is not to exclude a macronutrient, but to reduce the overall amount of food ingested.

The Harvard recommended dish method may be useful for this purpose. The dish must be made up of half of fruit and vegetables, one-fourth of proteins (meat, fish, eggs, dairy products, or legumes), and the other quarter of carbohydrates (bread, pasta, rice, potatoes) always favoring whole grains.

5.Unsuitable physical activityIt is wrong not to engage in physical activity, but also to do too much or little variety. Also, you shouldn’t overestimate your calorie expenditure: walking 20 minutes a day is not enough to lose weight, you will have to walk for at least an hour. Or, if you want to lose weight faster, do more energy-intensive activities.

Thinking “I eat all I want, then I’ll burn it in the gym” is not useful and the result will always be noticed in the balance on the same points. What happens, however, if we introduce few calories and perform the proper physical exercise? They increase muscles and hydration.

As muscle mass increases, the body retains more water. But remember: to lose weight, you need to reduce your body fat percentage. The solution is therefore to adapt exercise to our needs, without exaggerating and allowing the body to rest.

6.Little sleep and stressFor some years we have known that the quantity and quality of sleep are directly linked to body weight. An article published in Scientific Reports indicates that lack of sleep alters brain activity that prompts us to eat fatter foods. 

Getting little sleep also increases stress and, with it, cortisol levels. Cortisol is secreted by the adrenal glands in response to tension. High levels of this hormone can cause a rise in blood sugar, which implies weight gain.

Are you wondering why you can’t lose weight? Analyze your habits and see if you are making any of the mistakes described in this article. Correct them now, otherwise, they will interfere with your weight loss program. Finally, remember that the KissAnime idea is to follow a diet recommended by the nutritionist.

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Author: Piyawut Sutthiruk

Losing weight will keep you healthy and have a long life. Cheer Up!

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