Don’t Pay for Weight Loss

Don't Pay for Weight Loss

Throwing your hard earned money on weight loss products that promise you too much is a waste of your time and your money.However we keep on doing this.The reason is, that we are desperate to lose weight and believe what we are told.Regardless if there is any actual truth in it.

It takes time to lose weight, just as it took time to gain weight. Nobody has ever gone to bed thin and woke up overweight the next morning. It takes a long time to put on a lot of weight,so it stands to reason that it will take some time to lose weight.However people want instant results.Unless they change this way of thinking they will not find any long lasting success.

There are many products that promise you extraordinary results in your quest to lose weight. The truth is that no one product is going to achieve what it promises. Losing weight successfully is based on a variety of methods such as:

Eat smaller portions more often,begin using healthier foods in your diet,engage in more physical activities in your spare time,exercise more,begin thinking about your life and how you really want to live it.

Unfortunately people hang on to the small hope that the next miracle product will help them to lose weight. They buy it then when they realise that it is not working for them,then what do they do? They wait for the next product to appear, and they continue to follow the same process again and again.

Deep down most people will know what they have to do to lose weight, but on the whole they tend to ignore this knowledge, and while they keep doing this, they will keep failing. If there was one particular product that could guarantee the results it promised, then everyone would use it and weight issues would not be a problem. However there is no such thing as a miracle weight loss product that is going to work for the majority of people.

we will look at 2 different products that basically act as cash cows for the people that try to sell them to you.

Fitness DVDs

The industry of fitness DVDs is huge. people star in them and try to persuade you that you too can look the way that they do. They tell you that a certain method of exercising has helped them to get the bodies that they have, and now you too can get the same body by buying their DVDs. Admittedly many of the exercises on these types of products can be beneficial, but that is not the whole story.

Don’t fall into the trap of thinking that these people look the way that they do because of the product that they are trying to sell you, because they don’t.

Keep in mind that they probably keep their bodies in shape with expensive personal trainers.

Remember that they can afford to buy the healthiest foods.

Remember that they can afford to have their homes equipped with professional gym equipment.

Remember that the main reason that they initially became celebrities was because they already were beautiful and had great bodies. Not all of us are fortunate enough to have great genetics.

Remember that if all else fails, they have the money to pay for all their fat to be sucked out of them through medical procedures.

Buying an exercise DVD will not give you the results that are promised unless you are blessed with great genetics.If that was the case,you wouldn’t be reading this.

Have you ever thought why these people make these DVDs?

Do they really have your best interests at heart? Did they suddenly get this selfless thought during an expensive facial? Do they really want to make life better for you? Do they know you? Do they care about you?

These products are created so that that certain people can become richer by taking advantage of your desperation to lose weight. Perhaps I am being too cynical; perhaps they do genuinely care about your welfare. I know! after purchasing one of their products try contacting them personally. Ask for some advice on exercise or weight loss. I’m sure they would be more than happy to help you; Well, it is their heartfelt wish to help you. They tell you as much on their DVD.

Exercise products

More people waste money on exercise gadgets than anything else. People see the adverts, the persuasive hard sell, and the selfless endorsements. In a trance like state you telephone in your order without any logical thought. You wait religiously for 28 days for your product to arrive. You have visions about how great you are going to look after using this product.

The reality is very different to your visions. The reality is that you will use the product a few times, realise that it’s harder than you thought, and you will hide it away in some dark corner so you don’t have to be reminded of how much money you have wasted.

Have you ever noticed how well muscled and toned the people in the adverts are? Did these people really get 18in arms by pulling a few cables 5 minutes a day? Did these people really get toned and tanned bodies just from the product that they are using?

Of course there are other people on these advertisements who used to be overweight and are now slim. They imply that their results came directly from the product. Did they achieve what they did without changing their diets and lifestyles? Why would these people say that they owed their success to a particular product?

If i had lost some weight and someone offered me lots of money to say that i did it using their product, it ould be extremely hard to turn down.Obviously they wouldn’t want me to mention any other methods that i would have used? I know that I wouldn’t.

The truth is that people will buy anything if it is packaged and marketed well. Focus on the fact that it is you that is going to make sure that you lose weight and not some gadget that you can slide under your bed. Any product is only going to be a part of a weight loss plan. The most important parts of any weight loss plan are going to be motivation, commitment, determination, and perseverance. Focus on these 4 factors and you will lose weight. Without these characteristics it is only a matter of time before you fail.

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Author: Piyawut Sutthiruk

Losing weight will keep you healthy and have a long life. Cheer Up!

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