Cholesterol And Your Body’s Health


Just what is this matter we call cholesterol,
anyway? Webster’s College Dictionary, 1995 edition,
states: “a sterol, abundant in animal fats, brain and
nerve tissue, meat and eggs, that functions in the body
as a membrane constituent and as a precursor of
steroid hormones and bile acids: high levels in the
blood are associated with arteriosclerosis and gallstones.”

That’s a mouthful. But without cholesterol the body
cannot make the sex hormones, adrenal hormones,
and vitamin D. Excess cholesterol is converted in
the liver to bile acids, which are normally eliminated
in the feces.

Some experts feel high levels of cholesterol
have very little to do with dietary intake of it. There
is a correlation between blood cholesterol levels
and the incidence of coronary artery disease. One
must, however, distinguish between the total blood
cholesterol level and the cholesterol portion in the
blood carried by HDL (high-density lipoprotein).
Before you begin a strict program to reduce
cholesterol blood levels, check the total cholesterol
to HDL-cholesterol ratio first. This risk ratio can
be determined by a simple blood test by any
medical doctor

There does exist hope, however, when one has
reason for concern over their blood work. But
remember–the body is a fantastic mechanism and always
moves itself toward health. To help it along, it needs
proper information.

This “information” that I speak of has to do with
more than adequate nutrition. In addition to eating
more raw fruits and vegetables, and drinking pure
water, try to locate a sound nutritional supplier.
Years ago, Dr. Linus Pauling’s work demonstrated
the value of Vitamin C in helping the body dislodge
and eliminate harmful arterial plaque. If you were to
go to your favorite health store or drug store for
Vitamin C, you probably would not receive the same
benefits as Dr. Pauling did. Why is that?
(Pauling, Linus & Cameron, Ewan. “Cancer and
Vitamin C.” Camino Books. Philadelphia, PA, 1993.)

Because nutrients must be in an appropriate
electrical matrix or else they are not functional to the
human body. For instance, Vitamin C is sold worldwide
but as a synthetic supplement, usually in a chewable
tablet. Unfortunately, isolated Vitamin C is not in a
proper electrical matrix making it as useless to the
human body as sawdust. Instead, Vitamin C must
be combined in a matrix form with trace minerals,
bioflavonoids and electrolytes. Only when introduced
in this particular matrix or pattern can the human body
actually use the nutritional information present in the
Vitamin C.

Vitamin C has been known—for 40 or 50 years—to
reduce cholesterol levels. That is not news. The reason
most of us have high cholesterol—which means high
plaque levels in the blood, veins and arteries—is that the
liver produces low density cholesterol (LDL), then it sends
it out to patch up arteries so we don’t die of internal
bleeding. That low density cholesterol builds up over the
years and becomes plaque. Eventually, it clogs the arteries
and we go into a condition of stroke.

When you start consuming vitamin C in the right
electrical pattern, you are supporting the body’s ability
to build collagen. As the collagen restructures arteries
and veins, plaque is released from the walls of the
arteries. Cholesterol levels go up at first. Then they go
down. The plaque build-up on your arteries goes down.
Your liver stops producing LDL, because you now have
collagen to build tissue.

Augmenting your nutritional program with high-quality,
plant-based enzymes help the body grab stray protein
profiles (plaque), digest them in the bloodstream and
deliver them to the liver, which eliminates them from your
body. All the tools are here for a clean and well-fed
body . . . which means this condition may disappear,
as it has in many cases.

Please do not be overwhelmed with all the
technical jargon. Simply upgrade your lifestyle and
eating habits. Couple that with supplements that
mimic natural creation and you’ve got a winning
combination. And who knows, maybe you’ll be
the next to live your own success story!

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Author: Piyawut Sutthiruk

Losing weight will keep you healthy and have a long life. Cheer Up!

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