A Weight Loss Secret – The Art of Detachment!


Have you ever worried about something so much it paralyzed you from doing
something about it? Have you ever been so obsessed with your weight that nothing seemed to work?

I have and I think you have, too.

Yesterday I sold my car. It was for sale for six months. I had two calls on it in six
months. Two hours after I sold my car, I had five phone calls inquiring on the ad in
the paper. Can you explain that?

Last week a woman came in to my office very frustrated about her weight.
Everything she tried seemed to be going in the opposite direction. The harder she
worked the more weight she seemed to gain. You know what I said to her? I said,
“Let it go.” She looked at me like I was crazy. “What are you saying?” she asked with
a blank look on her face. Here was my reply;

“Let’s look at the behavior of a cat. What does a cat do when you want them around?
You never see them. Where is the cat when you could care less? Yes, right under
your feet. In some cases you have to detach yourself emotionally from the
frustration. Do not misunderstand me. I am not saying stop consistently exercising
and eating right. What I am saying is detach yourselves from the obsession. I said to
her, “YOU ARE TRYING TOO HARD MENTALLY! This was bogging her down so much
that she was just about ready to quit.

Do you know when I sold my car? I sold it not long after I stopped worrying about it.

In other words, losing weight may come down to you continually looking at the
bigger picture, not your immediate needs? The bigger picture is you are in this for
the long haul, no matter what. Keep your eye on the bigger benefits. This is much
more rewarding and less frustrating overall.

The mind is a powerful weightloss tool.

LOSE WEIGHT THE RIGHT WAY! FREE MINI COURSE click here [http://www.resolutions.bz]. Discover the common sense way to lose weight with out dieting that the doctor’s DON’T want you to know. Greg Ryan is a best selling author, former employee of Kathy Smith, and high profile fitness expert.

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Author: Piyawut Sutthiruk

Losing weight will keep you healthy and have a long life. Cheer Up!

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