3 Exercises to Burn Stomach Fat


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If you are looking for exercises to burn stomach fat and give you that flat,3 Exercises to Burn Stomach Fat Articles well toned tummy you have been dreaming of, you may be quite surprised at the exercises you are instructed to perform. Most people think of crunches and sit-ups when it comes to toning this area of the body, but there is a very big difference between burning fat from the stomach and strengthening the stomach muscles.

It’s true that doing a hundred or more sit-up and crunches before bed each night will strengthen those stomach muscles and give necessary strength and support to the core of the body. The problem is many people become discouraged when this increased strength does nothing to give them the very flat, attractive stomach they really want.

It turns out the most effective exercises to burn stomach fat are those that encourage fat burn from all over the body. There is no way to target the fat stores in the stomach specifically and force the body to burn fat there prior to any other area of the body. That said, there are some very effective exercise routines which are likely to increase fat burn from the stomach rather quickly.

#1: Cardio Interval Training

Cardio interval training is when you perform bursts of high intensity cardio mixed in with slower paced cardio. For instance, rather than just jogging for an hour you may walk at a very fast pace with well timed bursts of jogging at the fastest pace possible. This type of workout gets the heart rate higher and encourages fat burning throughout the body.

#2: Circuit Training

Rather than just lying on the ground and doing hundreds of crunches, try working strength training movements that target the entire body in with bursts of cardio. For instance, you may do a circuit that includes one set of crunches, one set of tricep dips, and one set of bicep curls with ten jumping jacks performed each set.

There are two benefits to circuit training routines that target all muscles in the body. First they increase lean muscle mass throughout the body which increases fat burning around the clock and second the cardio bursts keep the heart rate high so more calories (stored fat) are burned during the workout.

Circuit training is also known for increasing calorie burn for a longer period of time after the workout as well. This makes them perfect exercises to burn stomach fat.

#3: Functional Movement Workouts

Finally, you can see great changes in the shape of your stomach and the curves along the side of the torso by doing functional movements that work the abdominal muscles. These movements are simply anything that mimics movements typically performed during daily life.

Many workouts of this type include mostly standing movements such as side bends and side-to-side twists. These movements work the abdominal muscles in a more dynamic way than typical crunches.

These suggested exercises to burn stomach fat may not be exactly what you were expecting at first, but they are very effective ways to start stripping the fat from your abdominals. Building up your stomach muscles is extremely important as it will give you the lines and definitions that you ultimately want, but you have to burn the fat from the entire body if you want those lines to be seen.

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Author: Piyawut Sutthiruk

Losing weight will keep you healthy and have a long life. Cheer Up!

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