Why Diets Usually Fail – How To Find One That Works


Why diets usually fail is something that we now understand much better than just a few years ago.

Medical science has made great strides in recent times in solving the mystery of how the body stores fat and burns it; and the “engine” that drives weight loss. That engine is called the metabolism; and we will talk more about that later.

The primary reason why diets usually fail is that they are hard. They are hard to follow and they are hard to stick with. Common sense tells us that if we can’t stick with it consistently for long enough; then it cannot succeed.

One of the things that make weight loss difficult is that most diets are very restrictive in terms of the food that we are allowed; leading to a feeling of being deprived. They can also have you walking around hungry most of the time. These situations open the door to temptation and make it more likely that we will “fall off” of the program.

How many of us have blown an entire weeks worth of sacrifice and self control in just a few moments of weakness in the face of temptation? I know that I have.

So lets look at some of the weight loss plans available today and compare the strengths and weaknesses of each so that we will have a better understanding of why diets usually fail.

In years past; weight loss programs were based upon calorie counting. Now this is really hard. These plans are very restrictive as to the foods that are allowed; and they take immense will power; more than most people have. What is more; they do not take into account the body’s natural response to dieting. Remember the metabolism mentioned above? That is truly the engine that drives weight loss. The biggest reason why diets usually fail is that they fail to keep the metabolism working at its peak.

You see; the body is designed to maintain; not to lose. And; it gets accustomed to the amount of food and the number of calories that it is given; and it adjusts the metabolism accordingly. For example; if you consume 2500 calories a day; the body adjusts the metabolic rate to that. If you suddenly go on a diet and starting eating 1800 calories per day; it shocks the body into thinking that it is starving. The result will be that the body will slow the metabolism in order to conserve calories. So by eating fewer calories in an attempt to lose weight; the body will start burning fewer calories. No you can see why diets usually fail.

Fortunately; there are other less restrictive weight loss plans today. There are some that would have you avoid all carbohydrates. These don’t make sense to me. How can it be healthy to try to eliminate almost an entire food group? Others would have you avoid only certain types of carbohydrates. This makes more sense to me; and I have had good results with one of these. But when you get down to the core principle of these plans; they really revolve around calorie control; and potion control. They can leave you feeling deprived and hungry. They do not address the metabolic slow down that diets produce.

But there is a weight loss plan available today that is built around the very problem of the slowed metabolic function that other diets cause.

This program is based upon the concept of “calorie shifting”. Calorie shifting promotes quicker; easier weight loss through a unique process of alternating the types of foods we eat; and just as importantly; when we eat them. Calorie shifting requires us to eat often throughout the day; so there is never that feeling of being deprived or hungry. The principle behind a calorie shifting program makes it easy to stick with; and removes the temptation to splurge so common with other diets.

If you would like to learn more about why diets often fail; and see the most popular; and in my experience; the most effective weight loss plan available today; then please follow the link below.


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Author: Piyawut Sutthiruk

Losing weight will keep you healthy and have a long life. Cheer Up!

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