Low Carb Vegetarian Diet – Five Things You Absolutely Must Know


Low Carb Vegetarian diets are popular today. Here are the top five things should know when considering a low cab vegetarian diet.

1. Low Carb Vegetarian diets are unbalanced.

Wrong. Remember low carb vegetarian diets when done right provides a nice balance between proteins, fat and complex carbs. These are important and needed in every responsible diet. Plus vegetarians tend to consume more vegetables and fruits compared to the average American.

2. Vegetarians because of their diets will automatically live longer.

Well this would seem to be the case but in fact it’s not. There really isn’t enough evidence to support this claim. Yes a low carb vegetarian diet does provide some awesome health benefits however these diets don’t automatically ensure a longer life, simply a healthier one.

3. Vegetarians don’t need as much exercise as Meat eaters.

Do I even need to comment on this one? Well just in case I do, this is obviously incorrect. No matter what your diet choice you NEED to exercise. Exercise is not just about losing weight. The benefits to exercising are so far reaching. I would need a whole other article to discuss them. So get your daily exercise, it only takes 20 minutes a day.

4. Low carb vegetarian diets lack sufficient Calcium and are therefore harmful.

Yet still another misconception. Here again many people are trapped in the mindset of believing calcium is derived only from cheese and milk. This is so far from the truth. Believe it or not green leafy vegetables of which Vegetarians consume quite a bit is very rich in calcium. Another benefit here is that digesting calcium is easier and more efficient for vegetarians also which in turn leads to less cases of osteoporosis.

5.Low carb vegetarian diets are perfect for everyone.

Again on the face of it this seems the case. However keep in mind again that not all diets are perfect for everyone. A little experimentation is always needed to find out what works for each person. Vegetarian diets are great when practiced responsibly however they are not necessarily for everyone. It’s a matter of choice.

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Author: Piyawut Sutthiruk

Losing weight will keep you healthy and have a long life. Cheer Up!

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