How To Control Weight By Controlling Binge-Eating


A key weight problem faced by many overweight people all over the world is binge-eating and this is a major contributor to weight gain and obesity. There is a difference between binge-eating and plain old overeating or giving in to a craving.

Binge-eating is a medical condition and is an eating disorder which makes people eat frequently and eat large amount of food at any one time while feeling a loss of control over their eating. If you are binge-eating you could be starving yourself all day, and then once alone at night you would eat one thing after another.

If you fit the description, be aware that this condition has a lot to do with your state of emotion. If you are trying to get a grip on your weight before it balloons uncontrollably, you need to know how to put a lid on binge-eating.

Be better prepared before you go for next binge-eating:

* It helps to figure out what you could eat, the so-called forbidden foods and still maintain your weight. It is important that you do not feel you have to deprive yourself of your favourite so that you will never feel a real need to overindulge or binge to compensate for it.

* Fill yourself up with low-fat or healthy foods whenever you feel like binge-eating.

* It is necessary that you do not allow yourself to get too hungry. When you eat regularly you will not become ravenous because once you get to that stage it will be harder to control yourself.

* It is important that you do not keep fat-laden foods in the house, like potato chips, chocolate, ice cream, rich cakes and sodas. These snacks are key culprits when you start binging.

* When you feel like binge-eating, you need to come up with alternative activity like reading, or writing in your journal, or simply calling your friend. Pick up a hobby that you can fall back on, like gardening, or beading, or jewelry making etc.

* Get into the habit of exercise, like walking allows the time to put your life into perspective. This could go a long way to manage your emotional problems and

One of the top tactics to overcome binge-eating is to talk to yourself and figure out why you feel like going on a binge. If you can understand the emotions attached to your binge-eating, you will probably stop using food to solve your problems. For example if you are feeling depressed, instead of reaching out for food, call someone or write down your problems. When you are feeling empty, binge-eating is not the solution, but probably a therapist.

Eat only when you are hungry. Successful dieters confront their problems, they do not feed them. Try to identify your emotions, so that you can seek more useful ways to respond to them.

Binge-eating may not be an obvious problem to you but if you wonder why that weight never goes down, and keeps going up, now you know why.

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Shafir Ahmad is an Infopreneur bringing you the best information.

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Author: Piyawut Sutthiruk

Losing weight will keep you healthy and have a long life. Cheer Up!

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