Various reactions can be drawn when speaking of yogurt. People who hates unique tasting food bits may say “uggghhh!” while people who actually grew up through heaps of yogurt may say “yummy!” So, how do you place yourself among these people?
In my case, the first time I got my taste of yogurt way back, it was apparent that there’s no love lost between me and my yogurt snack. But through the years I have learned to tolerate it until I can’t imagine myself living without yogurt helpings.
Yogurts are commonly lined up in colorful containers on grocery store shelves. They are available in various flavors that range from blueberry-cheesecake to key lime and mocha. Actually, with its modern labeling and fashionable containers, yogurt does not seem like an ancient food. But actually, this healthy treat actually dates back to 2000 B.C. That was the time when nomadic people storing milk in goatskin bags for transport opened them to find custard fermented by natural wild bacteria.
Nowadays, the process of making yogurt became more sophisticated. Particular beneficial bacteria and Lactobacillus get mixed into heated milk and eat up the natural sugars (lactose) and excrete lactic acid. The mixture is solidified and causes the tang and nutritional qualities that the yogurt has to offer.
Looking for reasons to add a few cartons on yogurt into your shopping cart and adding it up as part of your daily food intake:
Five Reasons for considering yogurt as part of your healthy food regimen:
1.Yogurt is nutritious – a mere one-cup serving of it contains 30 to 40 percent of your daily calcium needs. And aside from calcium, it can be an abundant source of potassium, phosphorous, magnesium, zinc, and B vitamins, riboflavin, niacin, vitamin B6, vitamin B12 and about 9 grams of protein 2.Yogurt digests easily – yogurt’s bacteria turn lactose into two more easily digested sugars, glucose and galactose. Lactose – intolerant people can still eat as much yogurt as they want without reacting to its lactose content. 3.Yogurt helps you sleep – it contains the amino acid I-tryptophan that can also be found in milk and turkey. This amino acid is a precursor to melatonin that helps you to snooze. When combined with carbohydrate, I-tryptophan works effectively. Having a cup of yogurt along with some crackers or apple can have a natural hypnotic effect and beneficial for those having trouble falling asleep.4.Yogurt fights infectious bacteria – eating it can be a great defense against yeast infections. It can also prevent colonization of more harmful bacteria like E. coli and Helicobacter pylori. These are harmful microorganisms associated with gastric cancer, ulcers and duodenal ulcer.
Yogurt also prevents allergies. According to a Finnish research, the risk of eczema being hereditarily predisposed among unborn children can be lessened greatly by yogurt intake of pregnant women.
5.Yogurt help strengthen your immune system – probiotic yogurts could improve your body’s ability to clear toxins and pathogens from the system. Bacteria from yogurts may also balance the immune system and keep it from over or under reacting to threats.
Convinced thoroughly now? In buying yogurts, check out the labels which contain “ live and active cultures.” These are the probiotics that aid in digestion. Also, be aware of yogurts that have already been added with sugar and fat. Plain, non-fat yogurt is ideal for those watching out their carbo and fat intake. You can mix this with your own fruit or juice.
Try to keep space for other food stuffs in your ref, though….A reminder if you’re planning to fill it up with big yogurt buckets to last you a lifetime…. -30-
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