Choose Your Dieting Method


Choosing your diet method is as easy as falling off a log, of riding a bicycle on the second day, of getting back on the horse after we’ve fallen off….Yeah, right! We are all so sick of hearing how everyone else is losing weight with the latest diet fads. We are all so tired of seeing on TV all the ads that tell us everyone can be a size 4 in three weeks with this new diet and exercise program. Aren’t we all just tired of it all? Everyone, I mean everyone, knows that not all diets are alike. Not all diets work for all people. All human beings are NOT created equal in the losing weight, getting healthy game.

The most important thing you must know about dieting is – drum roll, please – yourself. You must know what you are capable of, what you physically can and can’t do, and how much you really WANT to lose that weight. No diet in the world will work for you unless you want it to. None. Zip. Nada. You also have to know your body. After so many years of spending 24 hours a day with it, don’t you think you should have figured a few things out? Do you know when you have eaten Oriental food you that will need to eat again in a short time? Or is it satisfying until the next mealtime arrives? Do you know that when you eat that greasy hamburger with fries that you will have the short squirts before bedtime? Do you know your body that well? If you do then you should be able to cheese a diet that is right for you.

After some soul-searching you should be able to figure out where exactly you need help. There are so many choices out there that you need to narrow your search and do some research on where to go to next for that little boost of help we all need on our journey to physical perfection. Ok, at least to get things back down to size anyway!

Is your body the kind that needs to feed regularly, three times a day, with satisfying foods to keep you from snacking? Or maybe you are a grazer – a person who needs to eat constantly to be content and satisfied. What about the types of food you eat? Do you know the ones that will make you lose weight and keep it off, or the ones that keep you from gaining more until you choose to lose? The questions may be difficult to answer, but you really need to look at what you want, what you need, to make you feel good about the size and shape of your body.

The types of diets today are not much different than the ones we had decades ago. You have to match the diet (and exercise if need be) to what you and your body want and can handle. Choose to burn fat with food, with exercise, or keep the food you eat from absorbing and burn more calories. Exercise until the cows come home if you so choose. But remember, to be effective you must choose, then you must act, then you must be ecstatic with the results!

The time to start is now. You have to start somewhere, so start by choosing your dieting method, find the resources you need to become successful with it, and stick to it. You only have one body, treat it well and it will do likewise!

Choosing a diet is not an easy thing to do, but in the hope that you will finally decide to do it and stick with it, go to Choose it, work it, and stick with it. It’s up to you, best of luck!

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Author: Piyawut Sutthiruk

Losing weight will keep you healthy and have a long life. Cheer Up!

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