Things to Know Before Hiring a Personal Trainer


If you are looking to hire a DC personal trainer through your DC gym then there are several things you should consider first. If you hire a personal trainer you want someone who will give you challenging but not too hard workouts and who is fun to work with. You will find personal trainers available for all fitness levels and many different types of classes, but you do need to be able to tell if a trainer is right for you in the first place.

It is highly likely you will find a DC personal trainer through a referral from your DC gym or is perhaps someone who takes classes there already. Before you part with your hard earned cash though and sign up for a six month course, run through the following questions and tips first:

1. What training has this personal trainer had and are they certified in the course you are interested in? You need to establish the level of expertise they have, especially as you will be paying for it. You can check out their credentials through professional fitness associations, especially those they say they belong to.

2. Does the trainer have training in CPR and first aid? Your trainer is responsible for their pupils and if something should happen they need to be able to react. Good trainers will always stay up to date with their first aid training.

3. How do they teach you to calculate your heart rate and exertion rates during a workout? Your personal trainer should keep health and safety at the forefront of their minds and by teaching you how to measure your heart rate you can both ensure that your program stays within the fat burning range and does not over stress your body.

4. Does your trainer consult with you about health issues and injuries, and then ensure you do not aggravate them during a session? Past injuries and health issues are important considerations when embarking on any fitness program, be it with a personal trainer or through your DC gym. Good trainers will be able to tailor a class or program to your needs.

5. Is the approachable and respectful to you? You need to find your personal trainer approachable particularly if you have questions to ask. You should not feel bullied or harassed either by them. If a problem does occur speak to someone at your DC gym.

6. Does the trainer pay attention to your personal fitness levels and modify the program to suit you? You need to make sure that the program or class you are joining is suitable to your current fitness level.

7. Can the personal trainer demonstrate the exercises to you and explain them in a way in which you can understand? Whilst your trainer needs to be able to competently do the exercises they are showing you, they also need to be able explain them in terms which can be understood by everyone and be happy to repeat them if necessary.

Has passion with exercise, proper fitness and healthy lifestyle. Has this positive outlook in life and is active in writing articles relative to health typically on topics about DC Personal Trainer, their lifestyles and ways of achieving the goals of their clients and also about DC Gym programs and techniques concerning exercise.

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Author: Piyawut Sutthiruk

Losing weight will keep you healthy and have a long life. Cheer Up!

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