Secret Fat Melting Strategies of an Irvine Personal Trainer


Since I’m an Irvine Personal trainer, I’m asked for advice on how to get rid of body fat all the time. Really, there are hundreds of strategies you might employ to achieve this goal, but for my clients’ sake, I like to keep things simple and really basic. I think the number one fitness killer is confusion, and direct and simple advice is really all anyone needs to get trim. Here are some the greatest tips that you can use to adjust your own diet or fitness plan to achieve your maximum fat burning potential.

Keep Your Cardio High Intensity – You may have heard from various sources that the best cardio for fat burning is low intensity, because it burns a higher percentage of fat and a smaller percentage of other sources. The problem with this is that low intensity cardio, such as walking, burns calories so slowly that you would have to spend several times the amount of time doing it to get the same effectiveness of high intensity cardio. As an Irvine Personal Trainer, I am always looking for ways that my clients can get the most results in the least amount of time, and low intensity cardio just doesn’t cut it when it comes to shedding body fat quickly. Instead, go for a thirty-minute high intensity jog

Stick to Whole Wheat and Whole Grains – Whole wheat and whole grains help regulate your insulin levels, which leads to faster weight loss. A study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, which collected data on the diets of 74,000 women, showed that women who ate primarily whole wheat and whole grains for the carbohydrate sources consistently weighed less than those who ate primarily refined grains (such as white bread, and white pasta.) Simple substitutions, such as having wheat bread in your sandwich instead of sourdough bread, or having whole-wheat pasta for dinner instead of regular pasta, can make a big difference on your waistline.

Eat a Lot of Fiber – Fiber doesn’t just fill you up better than other foods, it also slows the absorption of glucose into your bloodstream, which means less of the food you eat will be stored as fat. It also decreases fat absorption in your bloodstream, making more effective use out of the foods you eat every day. What high fiber foods should you eat? Pears perhaps contain the highest amount of fiber of any fruit, with 5.1 grams per serving. The next time you feel like a burrito, consider making it with black beans, which can contain a whopping fifteen grams of fiber per cup. For dinner, you might try some whole-wheat pasta, which has about six grams of fiber per dry cup.

Get Your Daily Dose of Calcium- Various studies have shown that diets that are high in calcium result in greater fat loss.

Most people when they hear “calcium,” automatically think of milk. But really, there are tons of ways you can get more calcium in your diet. A naval orange for example, contains about fifty-six milligrams of calcium. A cup of canned chickpeas contains about seventy-seven. A cup of boiled navy beans contains, 128 milligrams, which even eclipses the amount found in a typical glass of milk, which is about ninety-six milligrams.

Of course, these tips are designed only to enhance a solid diet and exercise routine for maximum fat burning. I know from exercise as an Irvine Personal Trainer that sometimes the smallest tweak can yield the biggest results, but nothing can replace consistently eating well and spending a couple hours in the gym every week.

Chris McCombs is a personal trainer Irvine California. At one time Chris was 143 pounds overweight at which point he looked in the mirror and decided to do something about it. Chris lost the weight and started his own fitness business Positively Fit Inc. which services personal training in Orange County, CA. To learn more about how you get into incredible shape visit


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Author: Piyawut Sutthiruk

Losing weight will keep you healthy and have a long life. Cheer Up!

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