Personal Training – A Wise Investment


What is your health worth? Hopefully your answer is, “priceless”.

As a personal trainer this is something that I see a lot of people struggle with. When I have a consultation with a client who tells me how upset and frustrated they are to be 60 pounds overweight, and that they don’t know how to exercise properly, I think, ‘great, this is someone I can help’. But at the end of that consultation after I have addressed all of their problems and developed a plan to make them healthier, some decide that their health is not worth the cost of a personal trainer.

This may not be how they say it, or see it, but ultimately that is what it boils down to. When a person looks to personal training it is not because they want to spend money for a personal trainer, but that they are paying for the outcome of having a personal trainer. They are paying for their health. If only everyone could realize that.

Why is it that we invest our money into things that will make our financial health better, but are not willing to invest our money into something that will improve our physical health?

In today’s economy I would say it is a pretty good time to invest your money in your health where you are guaranteed a return on your investment as long as you commit yourself to it. If you are not healthy enough to enjoy your money at the end of the day, what is the point?

If you are currently fed up with your physical health, and need some help, consult with a personal trainer, but do yourself the favor of being open minded enough to invest your money wisely. What is a few thousand dollars if you get results and feel great? Have you ever considered what you are currently spending on your health? You pay for vitamins, blood pressure medication, cholesterol medication, pills for stress, anxiety, depression, sleep… the list goes on. On top of that you may have lots of doctor and hospital bills if your health is poor enough to require special attention. So if working with a great personal trainer could reduce or eliminate most of those costs, isn’t it worth it? I imagine that if exercise came in a pill form and would cure most of your problems you would pay for it without hesitation. Well, exercise is not a pill — there is no quick fix. However, you can devote a few months with a great personal trainer, learn to have an active lifestyle and eat right, and then you can move on and continue to exercise on your own.

This article is meant to make you realize how important your health is, and why it is always a wise investment. Next time you are considering personal training, and weighing the cost, make sure your health is on the other side of that scale — it will always weigh more!

Meaghan Massenat received her Masters degree in Exercise Physiology from Florida Atlantic University and is certified by the NSCA as a Strength and Conditioning Specialist. She has owned and operated personal training studios and now works as a freelance writer for multiple companies. You can visit her blog at

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Author: Piyawut Sutthiruk

Losing weight will keep you healthy and have a long life. Cheer Up!

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