How to Survive Your First Personal Training Session


Below are a few things to keep in mind as you head into your first personal training session, or your first session with a new trainer.

-Know who’s in charge.
Your trainer is not the one in charge, you are! You are the one calling the shots on what feels right and what feels off.

-Speak up!
Your trainer’ s job is to know as much about you and to deliver custom advice and suggestions (notice I didn’t say orders). The more information you give your trainer the better they can customize your experience.

-Let them know when you are uncomfortable.
Many people are shy about looking too weak or wimpy in front of the fit and strong trainer. So they ignore their own limits and let the trainer push them too far. As a trainer I try to be a mind reader as much as possible to know what my clients are thinking and feeling. Make it easy on your trainer and tell them everything.

-A proper trainer will never berate you.
Trainers are supposed to be encouraging, motivating and friendly. Sure they might give you a kick in the pants when you need it, but that is hardly necessary on the first session. If you feel you have a drill Sargent rather than a work out buddy on your first session, raise you concerns.
Feel free to end the session.

Any trainer worth their salt will have 101 options to give you. If you request a different way of doing something they should have plenty of options for you. If they won’t work with you then feel free to simply say “I don’t think this is what I had in mind” and end the session. Remember you are there to get what you want, not to help the trainer fill their own personal agenda.

I find it’s best to go into the first session kind of like the first day on a new job. Your simply there to meet someone new, learn about each other and learn the ropes. Nothing above that should be a concern on the first session.

* Since it’s your first time with the trainer, you won’t need to be put through a very hard workout. Anything done for the first time will produce a result. So don’t feel the need to push limits just yet.
* Above all you are there to enjoy yourself, try some new things and have fun.
* Be sure to come with the appropriate clothing and water for working out.
* If possible meet with the trainer before hand to get an idea of what the first session will entail so you know what to be ready for.
* As always, before you start a new exercise program, get a check up and full clearance from your doctor. This can help speed up the initial medical and risk assessment.
* Your know your limits better than anyone. There is plenty of time to push limits later, but your first session is not the time to see if you can do 1,000 push ups.

Be fit and live free,

Matt Schifferle

I love to make fitness easier for you! In fact I do it for free.

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Losing weight will keep you healthy and have a long life. Cheer Up!

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