How to Choose a Personal Trainer


After some disastrous and positive experiences with fitness instructors over the last two years I thought I would share what I have learned about this intriguing profession.

1-Do you click?: It is really really important that you get along with your personal trainer. Your trainer will be a beacon for you as you work towards achieving your fitness goals. Having a strong and honest rapport with him or her will pay dividends in the long term. Please note here that although a strong rapport is important, it is important that the trainer has enough toughness to really motivate you to exercise also!

2-Check their references: Make sure that your personal trainer is suitably qualified by contacting the relevant industry association in your city and also by asking to speak to his or her previous clients.

3-Are they fit? Like the old adage that you should never trust a thin cook, I am of the view that your personal trainer should have a proven, high level of fitness. This means making sure that your trainer really practices what they preach (I have often chuckled at the sight of that one, sheepish looking personal trainer guiltily smoking a cigarette behind my local gym.)

4-Do they listen? Having a personal trainer who really takes the time to listen to your needs is essential. Your personal trainer should be willing to listen to your feedback as to how the fitness program suits your objectives and how your body is coping with the impact. Many trainers apply a template-style approach to training which basically involves giving you an ‘off the shelf’ program without the customization which is so essential for excellent results. The first meeting with your trainer should be you doing most of the talking and the trainer listening actively.

Best of luck!

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Author: Piyawut Sutthiruk

Losing weight will keep you healthy and have a long life. Cheer Up!

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