Vitamins and Hair Loss : The Nutritional Connection

Vitamins and Hair Loss The Nutritional Connection

Studies do show that if there are people in your immediate family that have experienced hair loss, there is a great likelihood that you will experience the same hair loss and/or thinning by about the same age, or at least in the same vicinity.

Also, if you have certain diseases or ailments, such as Lupus, Hyper or Hypo Thyroidism, you are going to be much more predisposed to experiencing premature hair loss and hair thinning, regardless of your sex. These facts make many people feel hopeless about their “future hair”, and throw their hands up in surrender to their certain fate.

But, what most people don’t realize is that they can help keep the hair they have on their head as well as grow healthy, strong new hair by taking certain vitamins and ensuring they get proper nutrition in the foods they choose to eat on a daily basis.

There are even some advanced supplements on the market that will combine a lot of these ingredients all into one so that you are not popping twelve pills a day simply to get all of them in your diet in adequate amounts without carefully examining every morsel of food you put in your mouth for nutritional content.

The first vitamin is a very common and easily obtained vitamin, and you probably in fact get a little dose of this in your daily multi-vitamin if you take one. It’s vitamin E. Vitamin E has long been touted as a great vitamin for both skin and hair health.

While no research has directly associated vitamin E with actual hair regrowth, many believe that vitamin E plays an integral role in maintaining healthy, soft and shiny hair, as well as supple skin.

Vtiamin E is very plentiful in a lot of American foods, and so a deficiency in the vitamin is relatively uncommon. Certain animal fats contain vitamin E, dark green leafy veggies, milk fat, whole grains, eggs, and other foods are rich in this vitamin, so chances are you are getting adequate amounts.

Vitamin E is also reportedly an antioxidant, but beware, you can over do it on this nutrient if you are taking a supplement. Vitamin E can store in the system and become toxic, so in this case, there is “too much of a good thing”. The food in your diet should suffice, and if you take a vitamin, the amount in the vitamin should be fine. This is also a common vitamin found in many hair health and hair regrowth supplements.

Vitamin B6 and vitamin B12 are another set of B vitamins that are helpful in hair regrowth and maintenance. B6 is really primarily known as an energy sustainer to most of us, but what about what this vitamin can do to help prevent hair loss and sustain hair health and vitality?Vitamin B6 helps your body produce melanin, which is the natural chemical responsible for creating the pigment in your hair. Not only does B6 help to prevent hair loss from occurring, it also helps your hair to maintain its youthful, healthy color. B12 has demonstrated its abilities to prevent hair loss.

Pantothenic acid is another hair growth aid that you will find in many hair health supplements as well as hair loss supplements, and you may even find this one in topical products for hair loss, meaning shampoos, conditioners, and scalp massage oils or concoctions.

Another name for Pantothenic Acid is vitamin B5, so this is another B vitamin that has been heralded for its hair sustaining qualities, and is worthy of attention if you are concerned about hair loss. This vitamin also helps maintain the color (pigment) in the hair, and can help with premature greying of the hair, so it is also included in quite a few hair health and hair growth supplements.

Niacin, or vitamin B3, is another B vitamin for hair health. This vitamin reportedly promotes healthy scalp circulation, which can help stimulate the hair follicle and prevent unhealthy follicles, which many times leads to stagnant hair growth (then inevitably, hair loss).

Healthy scalp circulation is important to maintaining a healthy, vibrant head of hair, so you may also want to buy a scalp massage oil. I found one that is excellent by an herbal company called Jason in my local natural foods store. There are other ones that are great as well, that not only help to make your scalp healthier, but also really make your head feel clean and energized.

All in all, using vitamins and mineral in your quest for healthy, plentiful hair is not something that will show an improvement over night. Most studies show that at least a few months is needed on any type of natural hair regrowth supplement or a self made vitamin regimen to see the results. So, just have patience, and your nutritional plan to beat hair loss should yield some very pleasant results.

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Author: Piyawut Sutthiruk

Losing weight will keep you healthy and have a long life. Cheer Up!

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