Many people use Epsom salts to treat their constipation. Epsom salts work like a laxative. The salts can be mixed with water and taken orally or used in an enema. Epsom salts operate by increasing water in the intestines and they can bring temporary relief to someone suffering from constipation. However, there are dangers in using Epsom salts to relieve constipation and many people are unaware of them.
First, many people don’t know what Epsom salt truly is. Epsom salt is just a trade name for magnesium sulfate. One tablespoon of the salt contains about 35g (grams) of magnesium sulfate, or roughly 3.4g of elemental magnesium. This is a very large amount, especially if you understand the daily-recommended allowance is between 300-400 mg (milligrams) per day. Many people do not realize ingesting too much Epsom salt can result in death. Between 1841 and 1909, seven patients were reported to have magnesium toxicity and five of them died. The first reported death by using an Epsom salt enema was in 1943. Sadly, magnesium enemas were commonly used on infants up until the early 1970’s when it was discovered as the cause in some deaths brought on by hypermagnesemia.
Epsom salts have many uses and consumers purchase it without giving it a second thought. However, the infrequent reports of death brought on by magnesium toxicity should give pause for concern. Epsom salts should not be ingested or used in an enema if you have preexisting stomach pain, vomiting, or nausea. Women who are pregnant or nursing should talk with their doctor before using Epsom salts to relieve constipation. It is not known whether Epsom salts are harmful to an unborn fetus or nursing baby. In addition, certain drugs may interact negatively with Epsom salts. These include tetracycline, doxycycline, minocycline, oxytetracycline, sparfloxacin, penicclamine, digoixin, and nitrofurantoin. It is important to consult with your doctor before taking Epsom salts if you use any of these medications. To be completely safe you should talk with your doctor about Epsom salts if you take any over the counter medications, minerals, vitamins, or herbal products whatsoever.
If you are suffering from digestive trouble and you have been using Epsom salts to relieve constipation, you may be concerned after reading these statements. You may also be interested with using another method to alleviate your constipation. The first step to alleviating constipation is to start by improving your diet. Eat more fresh fruits and raw vegetables and add flaxseeds, brown wild rice, and whole grains to your diet. You should also consume at least eight 8-oz. glasses of water a day and exercise regularly. Exercising three to four times a week for 20 to 30, minutes can help to alleviate constipation. You do not have to do something major like engage in “boot camp” programs or running a marathon. Simple things like walking after dinner or climbing the stairs instead of taking an elevator can go far in getting your bowels moving more regularly.
Lastly, you can help alleviate constipation by avoiding laxatives. That may sound like a contradiction, but it is true. Laxatives can aggravate constipation because they make your bowels sluggish and dependent upon the chemicals to work. In addition, laxatives can cause other intestinal problems such as diarrhea and bloating, and they can even damage your intestinal lining over the long term.
An alternative to laxatives is performing a colon cleanse. By using an all-natural product such as Oxy-Powder®, you can cleanse your body of impacted feces in a safe and effective manner. One reason Oxy-Powder is recommended is because it’s non-invasive and it does not remove the good bacteria necessary for a healthy intestine. Oxy-Powder works by liquefying and clearing out the sludge, fecal matter, and mucus lodged in your colon and intestinal system. In addition to bringing immediate constipation relief, Oxy-Powder also creates an environment welcoming to the “good bacteria” aiding in healthy digestion.
What can you expect from Oxy-Powder® in terms of results? As stated, it will liquefy the hard matter presently lodged in your system. You will have watery stools; however, this should not be confused with diarrhea, which is caused by viral infection of the digestive tract. The liquefying effect is simply a byproduct of the oxidation process. When you are first introducing your body to Oxy-Powder you should monitor how your body responds to it. While you will not have the harsh urge to go to the bathroom like you would if you had used an enema, you will have to go to the bathroom frequently and you will have extra gas. So it is recommended to stay close to a bathroom during your initial colon cleansing program.
Now that you have some pertinent information on Epsom salts, do your body a favor and save them for your bath water. Do not ingest Epsom salts to relieve constipation or use them in an enema unless you are directed to do so by a qualified physician. There are safer ways to alleviate constipation that also provides effective, long-term results and are healthier for you without all the negative side effects. Be good to your colon and it will be good to you!