Focus On Nutrient Dense Foods To Lose That Fat


Columbus Bootcamp & Personal Trainer tells you why you should avoid the fad diets and stick with supportive foods that will help you rather than hinder you on your way to the perfect body.

Fad Diets don’t work forever. If you’ve ever been on one than you know what I’m talking about. You probably lost weight,Focus On Nutrient Dense Foods To Lose That Fat Articles yes? But did you plateau eventually? Was it frustrating? Did you have to follow some unusual eating pattern, or focus on 1 or 2 foods as the primary source of calories?

Problem with these diets is they just focus on weight loss, usually quick weight loss. And it usually works in the short term; most of these diets are very low in calories (under 1400). When you focus on weight loss you also lose muscle and water, which slows your metabolism down and actually puts you in a worse spot than before you began the diet.

Why? Well, what exactly happened when you went off this ‘diet’? Usually you gain the weight right back, and sometimes even more weight than before. Yet time after time people fall for this diet trap again and again. These weight loss diet marketers are extremely smart, and keep sucking people back in with their false promises.

You’re usually very hungry too throughout the diet. That’s because they’re usually very low calorie diets like I mentioned before. Also they’re usually missing a lot of the important nutrients you need in order for the body to function at 100%. To start your way to losing fat and looking good the healthy way you need to focus on foods that are nutrient dense and fill you up. Foods that satisfy your hunger make you say ‘I’m full’.

These foods don’t necessarily have to be loaded with calories either. But chalk full of nutrients your body needs. Such as vitamins, minerals, fiber, water, etc… Obviously foods that are more nutrient dense are also foods that are healthier for you.

What types of foods should I be eating then? Fibrous carbohydrates, such as—virtually any type of vegetable, beans, oats, and most fruits. Complex carbohydrates, such as—unrefined whole wheat products, brown rice, oats, barley, beans, legumes. High quality fats, such as—nuts, seeds, olive oils, or natural nut butters. And lean, high quality protein sources, such as—eggs, fish, beans, nut butters, nuts/seeds, chicken, and lean beef/steak. Some foods even cover more than one area.

If you focus on these types of foods you will build a great foundation to start the fat loss cycle. Obviously there are other factors involved, which I’ve talked about in past articles and newsletters and will in future ones as well.

One of the most important ‘other’ factors is water. Make sure you’re hydrated. Otherwise, fat loss and you—not going to happen. Period.

If you’re not getting and meeting all your nutrients through your food you might want to check out the whole foods multi-vitamin/mineral VGF +25.

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Author: Piyawut Sutthiruk

Losing weight will keep you healthy and have a long life. Cheer Up!

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