Cause of Acidosis


Whenever the alkalinity of the blood is reduced, even slightly, its ability to transport the carbon dioxide gets reduced. This results in the accumulation of acid in the tissues. This condition is known as acidosis or hypo-alkalinity of the blood. Its symptoms are hunger, indigestion, burning
sensation and pain in the pharynx, nausea, vomiting, headache, various nervous disorders, and drowsiness.

Acidosis is the breeding ground for most diseases. Nepthritis or Bright’s disease, rheumatism, premature old age, arteriosclerosis, high blood pressure, skin disorders, and various degenerative diseases are traceable to this condition. It seriously interferes with the functions of the glands and organs of the body. It also lowers the vitality of the system, thereby increasing the danger of infectious diseases.

The main cause of acidosis or hypo-alkalinity of the blood is faulty diet, in which too many acid
forming foods have been consumed. In the normal process of metabolism or converting the food
into energy by the body, various acids are formed in the system and in addition, other acids are
introduced in food. Whenever there is substantial increase in the formation of acids in the
system and these acids are not properly eliminated through the lungs, the kidneys and the
bowels, the alkalinity of the blood is reduced, resulting in acidosis.

Other causes of acidosis are depletion of alkali reserve due to diarrhoea, dysentery, cholera etc.,
accumulation of carbon dioxide in asphyxia and anoxia as in circulatory and pulmonary diseases
and accumulation of acetone bodies resulting from starvation, vomiting and diabetes millitus.
Acidosis can be prevented by maintaining a proper ratio between acid and alkaline foods in the
diet. Certain foods leave alkaline ash and help in maintaining the alkalinity of the food, while
others leave highly acid ash and lower the alkali reserve of the blood and tissue fluids to a very
large extent. Eggs do the same but less strongly than meats. Cereals of all kinds, including all
sorts of breads are also acid-forming foods, though much less than meats. All fruits, with
exceptions like plums and prunes and all green and root vegetables are highly alkaline foods
and help to alkalinize the blood and other tissue fluids.

Thus, our daily diet should consist of four-fifth of alkaline-forming foods such as juicy fruits,
tubers, legumes, ripe fruits, leafy and root vegetables and one fifty of acid-forming foods
containing concentrated proteins and starches such as meat, fish, bread and cereals. Eating
sensibly in this manner will ensure the necessary alkalinity of the food which will keep the body
in perfect health.
Whenever a person has acidosis, the higher the ratio of alkaline forming foods in his diet, the
quicker will be the recovery. Acids are neutralised by alkalies. It is, therefore, imperative that
persons suffering from various ailments are given adequate alkaline ash foods to offset the
effects of acid-forming foods and leave a safe margin of alkalinity.

The most agreeable and convenient means of alkalizing the blood are citrus fruits and fruit
juices. The alkalizing value of citrus fruits are due to large percentage of alkaline salts, mainly
potash, which they contain. Each pint of orange juice contains 12 grains of potassium, one of the
most potent of alkalis. Lemon juice contains nine grains of the alkali to the pint and grape seven

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Author: Piyawut Sutthiruk

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