Using Natural Skincare to combat Allergies & Eczema


All my life I have been a girl of self indulgence. I just loved baths, creams and body sprays, with one major problem, I was severely allergic to those chemical laden products, and was left using so called pure soaps that still left me with dry skin that was often accompanied by a rash. With a chemistry and nursing background, I soon learned enough about skin conditions and the chemical makeup of some of those product out on the market. I knew that I could enjoy my baths & creams once again by making it all myself.

I started off just making some simple soaps and mineral baths. The difference in my skin, especially on my face was incredible. Next I began working on cream recipes that would combat the excess oil problem I have. With my own little creations done, I was thrilled to indulge once again.

Because I know that I am not the only woman in the world that loves to pamper herself, my little creations made excellent birthday and other holiday gifts. Soon these gifts turned into gifts for friends of friends. People kept telling me that I should be in business, as my products were great. Sure I thought, I was already working a ‘real job’ and knew I simply did not have time to start my own business. Eventually, while on maternity leave from work, Spring Rain Botanicals ( ) was officially born.

Pregnant with my first child I was both excited and scared as most of us are with the first baby on the way. With my nursing background I know the implications of having chemicals cross the blood barrier via the placenta. Pregnant for the first time, I was amazed to learn what suddenly can become a toxin to your unborn child. Most of us know of the obvious, like cigarette smoke. Have you ever thought of the effects, whether short or long term, of the chemicals in your skincare products? Probably because I have always had to be so careful in what I choose to apply to my body, I have thought about those chemicals. Since I was already making my own skin care I knew that I could also make things I needed for my pregnancy and childbirth. I created rich belly butter to combat stretch marks and leg cramp cream to combat my sciatica problems. Breastfeeding my child was important to me, and listening to other moms I know of the impending problems I could have. So needless to say a Nipple ointment that would protect AND heal would be essential to my life.

When my first child came along, I knew there was a good chance that he too would have my remarkable DNA for being allergic to everything. I had also made the decision to use cloth diapers on my children and needed a product that would wash off the cloth well, if you have tried any zinc creams you will know they do not wash off without allot of effort. I started off making a diaper area and all over body cream. I researched constantly to come up with the most beneficial ingredient that would make this cream actually be effective. Shea Butter would definitely be the answer. Rich in vitamins A and E, as well as essential fatty acids, Shea butter would not only heal skin but protect it as well. Now there is no reason to be so concerned about protecting baby’s delicate skin if you are going to turn around and use those commercial wipes made with drying alcohol on your little angel. So here too I developed an all natural baby wash made with a pure herbal derivative of lavender. Not once did my son ever have a diaper rash or heat rash. His skin always looked fresh, clear, and he always smelled nice, best of all it was done naturally.

Living in a world of chemical laden products, excessive pollution and the overuse of pesticides, I was determined not only to help keep my children’s allergies suppressed but to also give them as pure of a start to life as possible. Realistically, the majority of the allergies that we have are to the chemicals and pollution that we live with on a daily basis.

Because his hair was so thick, and he was born with lots of it, cradle cap was also an issue we had to deal with. Professionals kept recommending baby oil to remove the buildup of skin. Baby Oil is a mineral oil. Essentially a petroleum by-product. Yuck. So again with a little research I read about the benefits of Grapeseed oil. This oil is rich in vitamins E, C, beta carotene, as well as omega fatty acids. Great for all skin types, and famous for cell regeneration and moisturizing. Not only was this oil loosening the dry skin scales, but when I applied it to his hair it absorbed right into his skin. I didn’t have ‘greasy head’ concern with this amazing oil. It’s quick absorption also told me it was going to work where it was needed.

When breastfeeding, I realized it is common for dad’s to feel a little left out of their new baby’s life. This is something I would never of thought of before I had children. Using a few drops of Lavender Essential oil to help calm and soothe in the Grapeseed oil , we massaged our son nightly and it amazing how peacefully he went to sleep. Not once did one of our children fuss at bedtime or cry themselves to sleep. Bedtime was an enjoyable as well as relaxing time of day, not all parents can say this. Daddy was happy too as he finally felt a part of our baby’s life, as he was the one mainly performing the massages after I nursed. Massage not only leaves your baby soft , but massage also stimulates your baby’s brain. Stimulation of the brain encourages growth & mental development. Children who have had this kind of contact at a young age also grow into more self confident and content individuals. At school age, both of our children still enjoy having their backs rubbed at night to get to sleep, and still to this day bedtime is enjoyable. I believe that because we put massaging them from birth as an important aspect in their life, today they are affectionate, happy and secure children. Of course we know that other factors have contributed, but I totally believe in infant massage, especially as they still enjoy it at school age.

Shortly after my second son was born it became evident that he had a hereditary skin condition called Eczema. Because my mother in law was already using my Baby Body Butter to combat her Eczema, I knew exactly what would work. We have been able to totally suppress his Eczema since birth. I have also been selling my products to consumers in Japan ( ). They have a serious problem of atopic eczema ( atopy ) with their children, and I am proud to say my products have been very effective in their country.

Since they love to play outdoors, I wanted to ensure that my children were protected. Due to the controversy of the appropriate level of deet to use on children, not to mention it is a pesticide, I wanted my children to be protected naturally. I knew this could be done with pure essential oils, as historically groups like our native Indians have been using plant extracts for centuries. Bye Bye Buggy is an effective way to keep you and your family ‘bite free’. We have been using it faithfully for over five years now and now so do many families.

We debuted a new product this year called Bye Bye SUN. This is a natural mineral based titanium dioxide sunscreen. Unlike commercial sunscreens that protect you from UVA & UVB rays with chemicals that sink into your skin, our sunscreen provides a physical sunblock by applying an invisible ‘film’ to you skin. The microfine titanium dioxide actually reflects the suns rays, UVA and UVB, away from your skin.

It does need to be reapplied every 2-3 hours, and more so after swimming or excessive perspiration. Applied properly, it is an effective sunscreen. Like any sunscreen, it is meant to be used in conjunction with minimized exposure and proper clothing such as hats, long sleeve shirts, etc. Best of all it can be safely used on children over 4 weeks of age. We recommend that our sunscreen have a SPF of 15- 18, based on the directions from the manufacturer of the titanium dioxide. The Shea butter we use in the cream also contributes to the SPF as it has a natural SPF value of between 6- 8. Because we use natural ingredients to maintain our SPF, we cannot put and exact SPF level on our product by Health Canada Standards. We use this product most importantly on ourselves and our children, you can trust it on yours. Bye Bye SUN is created using the same Shea Butter cream base as our Baby Body Butter, so it is safe & healing for skin conditions such as Eczema & Psoriasis.

Although Spring Rain Botanicals ( ) started out as a safe way to pamper myself, the heart of the company centers around the Baby and Pregnancy products which are truly my passion. Since they were created for my own pregnancy and babies, you can trust Spring Rain Botanicals line of amazing products. Enjoy !

For further Information you can contact Karen McCafferty, owner of Spring Rain Botanicals.
PO Box 257
Fonthill, Ontario CANADA L0S 1E0
905 892 2944

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Author: Piyawut Sutthiruk

Losing weight will keep you healthy and have a long life. Cheer Up!

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