Types of Chemical Peels


If you are happy with your skin, you are a member of a very small group. Most people are very unhappy with the condition of their skin. No matter how minor, these people look in the mirror and see only see imperfections such as dull, acne prone, and aging skin. Sometimes the mental anguish that some people suffer from such imperfections can send people to a dermatologist for help. For mild conditions dermatologists commonly recommend a chemical peel. As you would expect from the name, a chemical peel involves using chemicals to “peel” the top layer of the skin. The result is the elimination of unwanted skin conditions.

A chemical peel can improve a variety of skin conditions. If you decide to have a chemical peel, your dermatologist will recommend one of three types of chemical peel, each corresponding to a specific level of treatment. The three types of chemical peel include light, medium, and deep. Depending on the condition of your skin your skin specialist will recommend a particular treatment. Just as you would imagine, the level of treatment generally coincides with the seriousness of the skin condition. The major exception is skin color. Regardless of the skin condition, darker skin is reported to obtain better results.

The main ingredients in a light or superficial chemical peel are alphahydroxy acids. Dermatologists recommend a light or superficial chemical peel for minor skin conditions such as aging spots, fine wrinkles, sun damage, dull skin, and minor acne. The chemical peel is left on the skin for on a few minutes for a light peeling effect. This level of treatment generally provides quick results and requires fewer treatments for optimal results. A skin specialist usually recommends cleansing products for the individual to use on a regular basis while they are undergoing chemical peel sessions. These products are beneficial because they help to ensure the skin’s new surface is sustained.

Trichloracetic acid is the active component in a medium chemical peel. This level of treatment is suitable for darker skin and for conditions such as mild acne, uneven skin tone, and fine lines. The medium chemical level is beneficial in that you won’t require a subsequent session for up to two years. Since this level of treatment is somewhat intense, it is recommended that a skin care regimen is adopted to ensure the skin’s renewal process is maintained. You may also have to wear a sunscreen at first since your skin will become more sensitive to the sun. Although

The deep level of chemical peel involves spreading phenol on the skin. The chemical phenol is capable of treating very serious skin condition. Excessive skin damaged skin is characterized by skin that is rough and very coarse. The deep level of chemical peel can smooth out this skin and provide a significant improvement. Phenol may cause a bleaching effect so it may not be suitable on very dark skin. In addition, it is primarily used on the face.

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Author: Piyawut Sutthiruk

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