The Fountain of Youth Secret


There are many myths surrounding the Fountain of Youth. But are they really all fairytales? 

Wouldn’t it be wonderful if such a fountain existed?  

Certainly, there is no sparkling fountain, gushing magical waters that you eagerly drink and then, mirror in hand, watch as the years drop away in front of your very eyes.  

But, take heart! Because, it is fabled that, up in a Tibetan monastery, deep in the foothills of the Himalayas, the secrets of biological age reversal were discovered well over a century ago. And the secrets, like most natural remedies, were remarkably simple.  

The story goes that a retired Englishman, who had served in India, had heard persistent rumours about a place in the Himalayan mountains where people remained youthful well into their late years. Not only did they continue to look young but, astonishingly, they also retained their vigour. 

No drugs or secret herbs were involved! 

Determined to learn their secret, the Englishman returned to India, retired and enfeebled by age, and tracked down the monastery. He spent more than a year there, learning different very basic health secrets from the Tibetan Lamas, and then returned to England. 

It is said he came back a new man, looking and acting twenty years younger! Fortunately, he recorded his experiences in Tibet for the benefit of his astounded friends. And so today, we have information about the secret rejuvenation yoga he learned from the Tibetan lamas.

These secrets of retaining youth were embodied in a set of rejuvenation yoga exercises that the monks practiced daily.  

The exercises are very simple, and are complemented by a breathing technique, without which the exercises will lack effectiveness.  

Wealthy clients of famous natural health Gurus in North America are now practicing this regimen with excellent results. Word has spread like wildfire, and now thousands of people all over the world are secretly doing this special yoga. 

Reports from some practitioners are almost miraculous! They speak of youthful skin and age spots fading, grey hair reverting back to black, body aches and pains disappearing, renewed energy and overall physical and mental rejuvenation.  

Contrary to all you have been taught, even as your chronological age creeps up on you, your youthful looks and vitality can endure. And it is all based on a very rudimentary principle.

The fundamental principle, on which the Tibetan yoga is based, is that our endocrine system releases a lesser supply of hormones as we age. Mother Nature made the decision that once we have passed the youthful procreating years, we no longer need to look good to attract a mate, nor do we need the drive and energy of youth. So she gradually turns off the hormonal tap. The result is the aging signs that we all dread. Our skin becomes wrinkled and slack, our hair thins, our energy level drops, and we begin to “think older” as we see our reflection in the mirror each day. 

Modern anti-aging strategies depend heavily on human growth hormone replacement therapy, despite possible adverse side effects. We, however, always prefer and advocate natural methods, unless there is absolutely no alternative. 

The rejuvenation yoga exercises are designed to activate your endocrine system, stimulating the release of your natural hormones. To accomplish this, your chakras have to have their optimum spin restored. Sounds esoteric to most people, but ‘prana’ and ‘chi’ are familiar concepts to most Asians and Chinese.

But you don’t have to understand it for it to work, although it is a fascinating subject to explore. The regimen works so effectively that stories about the “place where people never age” has spread. It is now practiced by thousands of people all over the world, who swear by it! 

You too, if you keep an open mind, can learn these exercises and drink from the mythical fountain of youth. 

There are natural remedies for just about all healthmatters. They may take a little longer to work than drugs, but the side effects, if any, are almost always positive! And they don’t cost the earth!

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Author: Piyawut Sutthiruk

Losing weight will keep you healthy and have a long life. Cheer Up!

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