Satisfying solutions for your biggest Men’s problem : ED


Sexual satisfaction is to increase a woman’s & men’s sense of well being, reduce reaction to everyday life stresses and improve the emotional satisfaction within a relationship. Both Men and Women feel sexual feelings in many different ways. Sex is fulfilled through 4 stages -> attraction – arousal – climax – resolution.

Sexual arousal occurs not just in the genitals but in the whole body, especially, in the brain. The brain passing many signals to the penis through nerves that going through the spinal cord. These nerves trigger changes in blood vessels, which allow blood to flow into the penis but prevent the blood from draining out. The accumulation of blood in the penis affects the penis to enlarge and stiffen. After ejaculation, the vessels in the penis relax, and blood drains out. Any disease that interferes with this complex process — such as damage to the blood vessels or nerves — may cause erectile dysfunction.

Erectile dysfunction also know as impotence. It is the inability of a man to achieve or maintain an erection sufficient for his sexual needs or the needs of his partner. A survey shows in most of the men’s, there are many causes Of ED like any damage to muscles & nerves.

Viagra works by helping the blood vessels relax, which increases blood flow. The FDA approved the drug Viagra as a treatment for male impotence. In some studies, Viagra is very effective & up to 68% of men had some improvement in erections after taking Viagra and it may also improve the sexual response in women. Millions of men in the US have tried Pfizer’s wonder drug “Viagra” and there are millions of women who have also seen its effects on their husbands, boyfriends, and lovers. We human beings are sexual animals, after all. It does not increase sexual desire or enjoyment, other than by helping a man to achieve and maintain an erection. Few couples, who have not had sexual intercourse for many years, are able to enjoy greater sexual satisfaction with the help of Viagra. The most common side effects of Viagra include headaches, facial flushing, and indigestion. Agreed that Viagra tapped into both our fantasies and our embarrassment about sexuality in a way that no other drug had ever done. It is enormously powerful, and it can be a lifesaver for almost every guy using it. Viagra can help to correct the erection problem.

Men with erectile dysfunction, who would like to try Viagra, should discuss with their doctor.

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Author: Piyawut Sutthiruk

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