Lumie Dawn Simulation Wake Up Clocks – The perfect Start To Your Day!


Wake up to a gentle simulated sunrise that keeps you in perfect harmony with your rythm of life.

Light plays a crucial role in the synchronisation of your circadian rhythm – (sleep/wake patterns). The suns daily cycle of light and dark regulates many of the bodys important hormonal and biochemical processes. It is our external time keeper – keeping our vital biological clock running smoothly.

Without these light time cues or ‘zeitgebers’ given by natural light and dark, the underlying rhythm of the human body ‘free runs’ and gets disrupted.

The patented Bodyclock – Dawn simulation wake up clock is an alarm clock that works with light rather than sound producing a very gradual increase in light levels mimicking a natural sunrise in the period immediately before waking. This triggers a gentle and peaceful wake up response running in tune to your natural biorhythm. The signal gets your body going even before you open your eyes so you wake up feeling alert, positive and energised. And at bedtime you can also set your Bodyclock – Dawn simulation wake up clock to fade to darkness helping you to wind down and fall asleep. By regulating your melatonin cycle in this way the Bodyclock – Dawn simulation wake up clock helps you to keep melatonin levels high at night making you sleepy and low in the day keeping you alert. Your sleep soon becomes regular, refreshing and re-vitalising.

The Bodyclock – Dawn simulation wake up clock incorporates a lamp with a built in dimmer so it serves as both a sophisticated bedside light as well as providing the gentle dawn simulation wake up function. For new users who are often anxious that it might not wake them up, it includes an audible alarm after the light has reached full although most people find that they are fully awake just in time to prevent the beeper sounding.

Available in two models – Standard and Advanced Programmable featuring additional personalised options, Nightlight Feature/Snooze Option, Security option and intelligent LCD display.

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Author: Piyawut Sutthiruk

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