Can any man really lower his cholesterol?
Lower cholesterol levels should be a health concern of every
Heart disease is the number one killer among so-called
healthy men in Western world today. More than 40% of
men will die from it.
What is particularly disturbing is that strokes and heart
attacks are becoming much more common in younger men.
It seems that younger men, even those who look physically
like they are in good health, are dying because they can’t
lower cholesterol levels.
Even if a man seems healthy and follows good eating and
exercising habits there’s no guarantee that he’ll have lower
cholesterol levels.
There’re so many misconceptions when it comes to trying to
lower cholesterol. That’s why we are here to present you
with the accurate, concise and unbiased information on
what it really takes to lower cholesterol.
Witness the unfortunate death of St. Louis Cardinals pitcher
Darryl Kile, who was felled in his prime, only 33 years old.
Although it seems counterintuitive, athletes, in fact, can be
even more vulnerable than the average person and have a
tougher time when it comes to trying to lower cholesterol.
When a man, in good health or not, engages in vigorous
exercise he’ll create an excess of free radicals. These free
radicals cause tremendous amounts of damage to the body
with devastating effects, one of which is elevating their
But taking a powerful antioxidant will help neutralize these
free radicals before damage occurs. Nowadays, due to
lifestyles, diet, and the deeper understanding in the role
that genetics plays, every man young or old should be
acutely aware of the importance of trying to lower
cholesterol to an optimum level.
High cholesterol is considered the best “marker” for
potential heart disease and it is a condition that 1 in 4 men
In order to prevent future problems, it is widely
recommended that you check your cholesterol levels, and if
they are “out of line,” take action to lower cholesterol –
irrespective of your age.
Are You At Risk If You Don’t Take An Active Role To
Lower Your Cholesterol?
A common misconception is that people with high
cholesterol are overweight or subsist on a diet of greasy
burgers and fries. The truth is that the amount of
cholesterol you have in your bloodstream is NOT directly
related to your diet.
Another prevailing and incorrect view concerning lower
cholesterol, is that only older people need worry about their
cholesterol levels. The reality is that having a predisposition
to high cholesterol and heart disease are genetically
influenced factors.
High cholesterol levels can stalk even young men who are in
seemingly good shape and otherwise take care of
Indeed, the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute
advocates that the young, middle-aged, and older men
lower cholesterol levels, whether it be to prevent heart
disease, or because they already have it.
Therefore it’s important to know your family history and,
accordingly, take the necessary preventative steps to lower
cholesterol and ensure the health of your heart for many
years to come.
But what exactly is this “silent killer” known as cholesterol?
It is important to understand that cholesterol itself is
essential to good health.
Cholesterol is a non-soluble waxy substance that your body
needs for making hormones, cell walls and nerve sheaths.
However, there are two forms of cholesterol. One form is
called LDL (Low Density Lipoprotein) — or the “bad”
cholesterol — and the other is HDL (High Density
Lipoprotein) — or the “good” cholesterol.
LDL transports the cholesterol to your cells, whereas HDL
travels around in your bloodstream picking up excess
cholesterol and taking it back to your liver for reprocessing,
functioning as a “garbage collector” of sorts.
Too much LDL creates the risk of clogging up your arteries,
which can lead to heart failure or stroke; too little HDL will
result in the same problem due to inadequate
Therefore, the most important figure to examine is not your
total cholesterol per se, but the ratio between the LDL and
HDL readings, and the levels of each type. You want the
LDL as low as possible and the HDL as high as possible.
The National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute recommends
that everyone over 20 have their cholesterol checked every
five years. For optimal health, total cholesterol should be
less than 200, whereas the LDL cholesterol remains at less
than 100, and the HDL greater than 60.
For more information on how to lower your cholesterol
please visit:
By Phil Beckett