Hair Loss in Women


When people think of hair loss, most often it is balding men that come to mind. However, women lose hair as well. Although hair loss is less known in women, there are many options for prevention and treatment as with men. Sometimes the cause for hair loss is heredity – in both men and women – and other times the causes differ. Most often with women, hair loss occurs due to hormonal changes. A few months after giving birth, starting birth control pills, or ending menopause are various ways in which hormonal levels in women change. These changes lead to symptoms, including hair loss. Even though not all women suffer hair loss due to hormonal fluctuations, there are enough cases that triggered the markets to provide hair loss prevention and treatment options for women. In fact, hair loss in women is relatively common and more and more of these women are choosing to take action against hair loss by purchasing products that help prevent and/or treat hair loss.

On the market, there are products for hair loss geared toward men and women. For example, a hair loss prevention product for men, like an oral pill, may be offered to women in a lesser dosage. Hair loss vitamin supplements are available and are generally the same for men and women, considering that the nutrients that produce hair productivity – growth, repair, and healthiness – are similar in both men and women. Often times, if the cause of hair loss for a women is a change in hormones, altering the hormonal level may stop the hair loss. For example, when taking birth control pills, after a few months, women may notice hair loss. By not taking those pills, or switching to a brand with lower amounts of hormones, the hair loss may be prevented. This may also work for women who lose hair after having a baby. Once the body adjusts to the hormonal changes after a pregnancy, the hair loss may naturally stop. However, preventing hair loss, sometimes even in these cases, may not occur naturally. This is when hair loss prevention products help or hormonal regulations, such as pills and vitamins.

Overall, hair loss in men seems to be socially acceptable, whereas in women, it seems not to be as socially acceptable. Therefore, having available hair loss prevention and treatment products may help those women who are suffering from hair loss gain a sense of relief. Even as hair loss in women becomes known – becomes a common thing in society as many women suffer from hair loss – it may not reach the same socially accepted standard as male baldness and hair loss. The outcome, then, being that many of these women with hair loss will find means to treat this condition, rather than ignore the issue. Since the majority of hair loss in women is reversible, finding treatment and dealing with hair loss is generally a relatively easy task for women; and therefore, in most cases, they do not have to face the notion of becoming bald versus men who may not be able to reverse hair loss.

With the multiple types of treatment and prevention of hair loss, along with the fact that most cases of hair loss in women are reversible, many women are able to overcome hair loss, or at least attempt to overcome hair loss. Therefore hair loss in women may be a temporary condition, occurring during different phases of life – from young adulthood to old age – and may be caused by different sources – hormonal or heredity. Generally, women dealing with hair loss are doing so due to hormones and these women are able to find treatment. Those women suffering with hair loss due to genes may have a more difficult time in preventing hair loss. No matter the cause of the hair loss certain actions may be taken to prevent further damage to the hair, including using hair chemicals and tools, like hair dryers and curling irons, in moderation. Seeing as there are multiple factors in maintaining a healthy head of hair, women attempting to avoid or treat hair loss would benefit to watch out for harmful actions, like high stress and hair chemicals.

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Author: Piyawut Sutthiruk

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