Dyspareunia: A chronic painful condition that involves pain during intercourse


What exactly is dyspareunia?Dyspareunia is a chronic pelvic pain condition that causes pain during or after sexual intercourse. Although dyspareunia can affect men, it is more common in women. Women with dyspareunia may have pain in the vagina, clitoris or labia. There can be burning or aching in the vagina or in the pelvis. What are the causes of dyspareunia? There are many different possible causes of dyspareunia. Many of these causes are easily treatable.

Common causes of dyspareunia include the following:

* Dryness in or around the vagina

* Atrophic vaginitis, a common condition causing thinning of the vaginal lining in postmenopausal women

* An allergic reaction to clothing, spermicides or douches

* Endometriosis, an often painful condition in which tissue from the uterine lining migrates and grows abnormally inside the pelvis

* Vulvar vestibulitis, which is inflammation of the area surrounding the vaginal opening

* Any skin disease that affects the vaginal area

* Urinary-tract infections, vaginal yeast infections, or sexually transmitted diseases

* Psychological trauma that usually involves sexual abuse or sexual problems

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Author: Piyawut Sutthiruk

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