6 Steps to Super-Sexy, Summer Skin!


As is the case with so many things we humans do, less is more.Skin care need not be as difficult, time-consuming or as expensive as some would have you believe.

Step one:

Drink lots of water!
Skin loves water and responds almost immediately,by being plumped up and younger looking.
Don’t wait until you’re feeling thirsty, to drink a cool refeshing glass of pure water.
Another bonus to drinking water often is that it helps to fill you up, so you eat less at mealtimes and so never need worry about gaining weight.

Step two:

Get a professional facial for the start of the Summer season.
Yes, I know there are many store bought, at-home-facials,but in my opinion and experience, they are never as thorough as those done by a salon or spa practioner.

Besides, couldn’t you do with some pampering?

As well, you may find that your skin has changed over the years and needs different skin care products than the
ones you are currently using.
Remember, no matter how expensive or wonderful skin care is, if it’s not
the right formula for your skin, it’s not doing you any good!

Step three:
Summer eating is different from the other seasons, it’s easier!
The varieties of fresh fruits and vegetables seem endless, add one new “favourite” to your diet.
Vitamins, fiber, antioxidants are just some of the natural benefits derived from friuts and vegetable.
Plus they are delicous, too!

Step four:

After your facial, you will want to maintain your fresh, clean,glowing skin.
Make sure you have the right products for your skin type.
Then your routine should take between
3-5 minutes, morning and evening.
Any less and you’re not doing enough, any longer, you’ll soon get fed up and don’t do it at all!

Step five:

Gently exfoliate and clean the days dirt and dead cells from your skin, every day!
There are facial scrubs and face cloths, but I prefer to use
my fingers, as they give me more control over the pressure that
I apply, especially on my face and around the eye area.
Remember skin works hard but can be very easily damaged by too much rough handling!

Step six:

Moisturize, moisturize, moisturize!
Day and night, you must moisturize your skin with the proper
formula for your skin type ( Dry, Oily, Normal, Combination).
As well, in the daytime, use skin care products with the highest SPF(Sun protection factor).
One of the surest way to age your skin is to allow it to become dried out.
This why moisturzers are such an important component of your skin care regimen.
Moisturizers, don’t really provide moisture, as much as they lock it in!

You supply the moisture by drinking enough water to hydrate your skin and the right moisturizer will lock it in, giving you young looking, glowing, radiant, wrinkle-free skin for years!

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Author: Piyawut Sutthiruk

Losing weight will keep you healthy and have a long life. Cheer Up!

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