Rediscovering Childhood: An Exercise for Childhood Sexual Abuse or Rape Survivors


I believe that, while it may not be possible to recreate childhood, it is possible to rediscover childhood. As older teens or adult prevailers over childhood sexual abuse or rape, we may feel we were cheated out of our childhood. Our innocence was torn apart as we were introduced to lewd, dishonorable, irresponsible, corrupt, manipulative behavior by child abusers, molesters, and rapists. This cannot be undone.. but, we can re-introduce ourselves to the youthful innocence of play, genuine honesty, and light heartedness.

For some, it’s easier to do than for others.. but, in this forum, we’re going to work on being kids – because that’s one of the most important parts of growing up!

I will periodically be posting new, innovative methods of rediscovering childhood – while, not allowing that to interfere with the adult world in which we must function! I hope others will join me in this experiment, exercise or whatever you wish to call it! To participate, just visit the Prevailer Community:

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Author: Piyawut Sutthiruk

Losing weight will keep you healthy and have a long life. Cheer Up!

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