How to Get Pregnant Naturally Using Exercise to Lose Weight and Increase Fertility


If you are thinking about getting pregnant soon,Guest Posting moderate exercise is one of the best things you can do to prepare your body. Not only does exercise promote overall physical health, having a healthy weight increases the chances of getting pregnant. Being overweight can create hormonal imbalances that can cause irregular or non-existent periods. Polycystic ovary syndrome is a known cause of infertility in women and a common symptom of women with this condition is being overweight. Studies show that losing as little as 10% of weight can increase fertility chances. Exercise is essential to losing weight. If you are new to exercise, consider these ten fun ways to get out and burn some calories.

Exercise #1 – Walking Walking is a safe, non-impact way to burn calories. Whether you walk on a treadmill or walk on the beach, you’ll be burning calories. Make sure you are walking fast enough so that your heart is pumping at its target rate.

Exercise #2 – Running Running is a more efficient way to burn calories than walking, as you can burn more calories in less amount of time when running. Find a running club in your area and running could end up being a great social outlet as well.

Exercise #3 – Swimming Easy on the knees, but strenuous enough to burn those calories, swimming is a great option for exercise. Whether you are dipping in the pool gym or paddling in the ocean to catch some waves, swimming can be a great way to add exercise to your routine.

Exercise #4 – Weight Training Weight training is a way to burn calories when you aren’t exercising. When you lift weights, you are breaking down muscle. As the muscle builds back up after your workout is over, you are burning calories. Ultimately, weight training three times a week combined with cardiovascular exercise five or six times a week is the best exercise combination for weight loss.

Exercise #5 – Biking Biking is another efficient way to burn calories. You can ride a stationary bike at the gym or hop on a ten-speed and hit the hills. Either way, you are going to get a baby-ready body by biking.

Exercise #6 – Yoga The exercise choice of Hollywood, the stars swear that yoga can get bodies in shape quickly.

Exercise #7 – Group Classes Aerobics, kickboxing, Pilates, and spinning are just a few of the group class available at gyms across the country. They are a great way to exercise with friends, who might encourage you to go when you don’t feel like it.

Exercise #8 – Dancing Dancing is a big calorie burner. If you can’t bear the thought of stepping in a gym and just thinking about going for a run makes you sweat, then take up dancing.

Exercise #9 – Roller Blading Popular years ago, roller blading is a great form of exercise. It isn’t quite as efficient as running, but it comes close. Dust your old pair off and take them out for a spin. You just might enjoy yourself.

Exercise #10 – Hiking Hiking is a wonderful way to exercise and forget that is what you are doing. If you live near beautiful hiking trails, try hiking as your form of exercise.

No matter what kind of exercise you choose, listening to your favorite music can help make the time go faster. And speaking of time, make sure you are exercising long enough to burn your goal calories for the day. Finally, don’t forget that even with exercise, you have to eat properly, otherwise that exercise won’t do a bit of good.

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Author: Piyawut Sutthiruk

Losing weight will keep you healthy and have a long life. Cheer Up!

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