Five Easy Steps to Optimize an Exercise Program


Set up short-term goals!

Everybody knows that but the reality is that very few people have goals! A goal
means take a precise action to get a result. It’s why so many people do not have any
results and quit! For example if your goal is to lose weight, be precise: I want to lose
5 pounds in the next 2 weeks. Timing is critical. Excellent results may be attained in
just a few weeks if the goal is targeted. You have to know exactly what you want,
this is the first step for an exercise program.

Keep it simple!

Most people get confused with an overload of information. We are in the area of
information. What is good is that a lot of information is easily available, on the web
for instance. But it is not so easy to select the right information. It is easy to get trap
in the marketing manipulation. Too much information and you get confused. The
direct result is you don’t take action. The solution is to keep everything simple, step
by step and taking action. This is the best bet for an effective exercise program.

Get the time!

The time factor is often a big issue. In big cities, everyone is in a rush such as
traffic, tight schedules… Everything is a priority! Just take a look at a busy schedule
and see where you can get a few minutes for yourself. Just a few minutes sometimes
could make a big difference, at least on how you’ll feel and it will be the beginning
of something new…If you are very busy, a very effective exercise program may
sometimes last just a few minutes!

Take the challenge

Most people do not take the challenge because thoughts of failure. You have to
trust in yourself and take the challenge. Be very positive and set up short terms
goals. It is essential to plan. If you are in action on a regular basis, if your thoughts
are positive and towards these goals, it is impossible to fail. You have to erase from
your mind all ideas of failure. See yourself having already reached the desired result
and…take action everyday!

Keep the motivation

There is many exercise programs: for muscular development, to lose fat, for
abdominal training, for more energy, to calm down, for well-being… It means many
exercises, many routines, many intensities, different durations…There are many
strategies, and many are easy to apply. In fact you can do something different
everyday and keep the motivation at a high level.

If you don’t have energy, if you feel tired all the time, you have to look at yourself
and find out what’s is wrong. There are many reasons. One of them is you may be
overworked, stressed. You feel it but you do not have any choices, you think you
have just to keep going on the business, life is tough! But there is good news…

Dominique Paris is a Strength and Conditioning Coach who provides powerful and functional fitness and exercise tips that keeps you focused on results. []

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Author: Piyawut Sutthiruk

Losing weight will keep you healthy and have a long life. Cheer Up!

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