Avoiding Exercise Errors


So you finally invested in some workout equipment or joined a gym. Now you are ready to turn that sedentary lifestyle around. But before you make the transition from couch potato to fitness freak, here are some common exercise errors to avoid.

Before You Get Physical, Get A Physical

Don’t forget to consult with your physician before beginning any new exercise program. According to eDiets fitness pro Raphael Calzadilla, people often underestimate the importance of getting their doctor’s approval.

“You want a clean bill of health when you first start exercising,” Raphael says. “You need to understand what is going on in your body.”

According to Raphael, another important reason to get a physical before you start exercising is to find out if there are any fitness activities you should avoid due to your current condition. Just consider this initial check-up the first of many snapshots of your physical fitness. In fact, it will give you a great basis for measuring your progress later on.

“A lot of people disregard the fact that they might be on certain medications,” Raphael says. “This can have an impact on your workout routine because some medication may create an elevated heart rate or prevent you from being able to spend too much time in the sun.”

Don’t Do Too Much Too Soon

Though exercise is an important part of a healthy lifestyle, many people have a tendency to do too much too soon. According to Raphael, this is often the worst error someone can make.

“Most people start an exercise program after they have been sedentary for too long,” Raphael says. “Then they forget all about the importance of rest and recovery.”

Raphael says this is like going on a crash diet because it puts your body into shock. He says it is possible to begin a new exercise program and work out up to four days a week, as long as you remember to do moderate amounts of exercise. You can gradually increase the duration and intensity of your exercise sessions as you become more physically fit.

Get Instruction on Proper Form

So your doctor gave you a clean bill of health. Now you can start pumping iron, right? Wrong! First, be sure to get instruction on the proper technique. If you joined a gym, you should be entitled to a few introductory sessions with a licensed personal trainer. Your personal trainer will show you how to use the exercise equipment properly. Another great way to learn the proper movements is to view the exercise animations on eDiets.

“Whenever I go to a gym, it seems like over 90 percent of the people I see have atrocious form,” Raphael says. “They are doing themselves more harm than good.”

Raphael says many times people will end up with an injury that has been building up over time from the repetitive use of improper form. According to Raphael, the most common errors in form that he sees include: doing an exercise too fast, going beyond the range of motion called for in the exercise and not keeping proper back positioning. For most exercises, Raphael cautions that you should keep a neutral back — or you risk creating spinal imbalances.

Don’t Hold Your Breath

While you are exercising, be sure to incorporate proper breathing techniques. This is especially important for weight training. According to eFitness expert Raphael Calzadilla, people have a tendency to hold their breath when they are lifting weights. He says this actually weakens the body and can lead to more serious problems, including dizziness and blackouts.

“Whenever you are exerting force, it is important to breathe out,” Raphael says.

Add Variety To Your Routine

Include a variety of sports and exercises in your fitness routine. “The human body is designed to adapt to any routine in four to six weeks,” Calzadilla says, “If you add the right balance of exercise to your workout routine, you can reduce the potential for overtraining.”

Stop Exercising If You Experience Severe Pain Or Discomfort!

If you experience severe pain, discomfort or swelling during your exercise session, Raphael says you should immediately stop working out. If any of these conditions persist, see a doctor.

Now, that you know what common errors to avoid, you are ready to start exercising correctly. Whether you are working out at home or at a gym, one of the best ways to get advice is to become a member of eDiets. With personalized workout programs, 3-D animations, message boards and a team of experts ready to assist you, eDiets is like having your own virtual personal trainer available at all times.

Glenn Mueller, eDiets.com Senior Writer

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Author: Piyawut Sutthiruk

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