The Best Ab Workout Routine


If you want rock hard abs you should follow a healthy diet and do cardio exercises to burn off fats that cover the muscles in your abdominal area, and of course, you have to have a good ab workout routine. Like a plan that guides you through all your workouts. You cannot reduce certain part of the body, so must have a total body workout.

The best ab workout routine should target all your abdominal muscles namely the oblique muscles – muscles in your sides that is also known as love handles and a spot where a lot fat is usually located, the rectus abdominis or the much sought after six pack, pectoralis major upper abdominal muscles and the transverse abdominis lower abdominal muscle. There are a number of ab workout routine that will suite your level and experience. Like crunches, sit ups, Pilates, and yoga. All this workout centers on the abdomen for strength and core building. First thing you must remember is to warm up those muscles to prepare the them for a high intensity workout. This should only take about 5 minutes then followed by a 20 to 40 minutes aerobics or cardio workout of your choice. To have the full fat burning workout you can include interval training.

Do not forget the cool down period, this will allow the heart to return into its normal heart rate. Give your body time to heal and repair. This simply means that if you can exercise everyday that is fine, but remember to have a variations on your workout, three times a week exercise is also fine and healthy and remember while doing those crunches and sit-ups, not to strain your back and neck. Use the muscles in your stomach to lift you not your neck. Unfortunately, some have the notion that if they do 100 sit-ups or crunches a day they will have a well-toned abs. The truth is you have to burn that extra weight in order to target the specific muscles in your abs.

What is the best way to stay motivated? The best way to stay motivated is to get an ab workout program. These show you everything you need to get ripped abs.They cover everything from diet to exercise. I bought the top 4 ab workout programs and by far the best one was The Truth About Abs [].

I will now tell you a little story. Seven Months ago, I was trying to get abs, I did 200 crunches a day. I thought that this was the way to get fast results, but it is not. After a month of seeing small results, I decided it was time to buy Mike Geary’s: Truth About Abs [] After following the program for 6 weeks, I almost had a full six pack. After just eight weeks, I had my full six pack and reached my goal, and before I did this program I was no where near to having a six pack. If you want to get into shape and also look amazing. I suggest you just give this program a try.

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Author: Piyawut Sutthiruk

Losing weight will keep you healthy and have a long life. Cheer Up!

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