How to Motivate Yourself to Get in Shape


The truth of the matter is that it takes motivation to push yourself into starting and maintaining a fitness regimen. Motivation is most needed in the beginning when a person first starts their regimen, because it is all new to them. People are creatures of habit and this is why fitness programs are easier to adhere to the further on that you have one.

One mistake that people make is that they focus intently on just one area of fitness and then pound the hell out of themselves. The will go to the gym and stare at the sign that reads “no pain no gain” as they torture themselves on the various equipment that is there. While this may work on the short term, who in their right mind wants to be tortured regularly for the entire duration of their life?

Don’t be afraid to take it easy on yourself in the beginning, because after all you are a beginner at the game. Don’t go through your entire pantry and throw out all of the goodies in one fell swoop. Rather, eliminate them one at a time over the period of six months or so. Start with the ice cream, because if you are buying ice cream at the grocery store and bringing it home to your freezer you are bringing home and consuming pure fat.

Things like ice cream and cookies can be bought now and again at the mall in single portions, because there is nothing wrong with rewarding yourself with a treat now and again. A sensible eating program has to be part of any fitness program, because you can burn all of the calories that you want but if you are stuffing them right back in your mouth every night you are just spinning your wheels.

Written by Antonious Frederickson. Find the latest information on the Bowflex Elite [] as well as Bowflex Blaze []

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Author: Piyawut Sutthiruk

Losing weight will keep you healthy and have a long life. Cheer Up!

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