Bicycling For Cardio


Bicycling is a powerful and fun way to burn calories. It’s low impact and allows you see some great scenery in your neighborhood. But riding a bike is more complicated than you might think. Here are some basic tips that will allow you to get the most out your bike rides while still staying safe.

1. Always Wear a Helmet

The human skull is surprisingly fragile, so you need to make sure you protect it at all times. Make sure your helmet fits well and is snug.

2. Brake Smart

When braking, press on the outermost part of the lever to get the most leverage. If you have to brake suddenly, lean back to prevent tumbling over. When going downhill, don’t hold the brakes down. Instead, quickly “pump” the brakes to control your speed.

3. Don’t Spend too Much time in high gear

Higher gears put a lot of stress on your knees and may cause damage in the long run. Lower gears can give you same amount of exercise without the risk of biker’s knee.

4. Make sure you Can be Seen

If you like to ride your bike at night, make sure to wear bright clothing and double check your bike’s reflectors.

5. Don’t wear headphones

Being able to hear is more crucial while cycling than it is while jogging. Make sure you can hear other cars while you are riding around. In some districts, cycling with headphones is against the law.

6. Don’t Lock your elbows

Your arms should be relaxed with a firm grip on the handlebars. This will allow you to better absorb bumps along the road and turn easier.

7. Don’t Just Coast Downhill

To get the most out of your cardio, don’t just enjoy the ride on downhill slopes. If safety allows, switch to a higher gear and keep pedaling. Even if it’s just very light resistance, it will keep your heart pumping and burn more calories.

8. Learn Hand Signals

Educate yourself on all bike laws in your state and the proper hand signals to communicate with motorists. When cars always know when you are going to turn, you decrease your odds of getting in an accident significantly.

9. Get the right clothing

Baggy clothing can get caught in the spokes and cause you to tumble. Your clothes should be tight fitting, comfortable, and preferably made of a smooth material to block wind. Riding shorts are sold at most bike stores.

10. Adjust Your Bike

Most good bikes have adjustable seats, handlebars, gears, and brakes. Make sure you have everything set to your optimal conditions before you go out on the road. You should be as comfortable as you can while riding, be able to turn easily, and have easy and quick access to the brakes.

11. Purchase the Right Seat

Seats come in a variety of different shapes. Those skinny, narrow seats are mostly meant for serious riders. People who want to bike for exercise should consider wider seats for better comfort. Many modern models feature things like soft gel inserts to prevent saddle soreness

Chris McCombs is known as the Personal Trainer Orange County. At one time Chris was 143 pounds overweight at which point he looked in the mirror and decided to do something about it. Chris lost the weight and started his own fitness business Positively Fit Inc. and is also an expert in fitness marketing. You can learn more about Chris at

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Author: Piyawut Sutthiruk

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