Dieting? Upgrading Your Non-Conscious – Part 1


Visualizing and Declarations are today’s topics. Visualize what you want as if now is how to create everything. Your non-conscious mind does not know time. The past and future are not any different than now to your non-conscious mind. So when you create your pictures, goals or anything, you want to do it as if you have already accomplished it.

You want to write out your goals, see the accomplishments as if they are happening now. Your RAS (the part of your brain that is like Google) will find what matches exactly what it is programmed with, having that thing now. Because if you see the events in the future, the RAS will actually search to find the exact picture you are programming into it. You having it in the future, not now. And as we all know, the future never comes. So you will never have what you are looking for because the RAS will always keep it out in the future, not now. When you program into your brain as present time happening now your RAS will look for the outside world to match up with what is inside. And the RAS will search to make it happen now, as it is in your brain already.

Speaking declarations out loud.
There is power in speaking statements out loud. HUGE power. Especially when statements are preceded with the words “I AM”. Those two words are the most powerful words in the English language (I think). Everything that is followed up after I AM is a direct declaration to the non-conscious mind and what it is to do and find. When You say I am fat, you are telling your subconscious mind to find exactly that. You being fat.

The problem is that most people think they are describing the outside world with the words they use. When actually you are creating the world around you with the words you choose. Let me give you an example.

There are 10 eye witnesses to an accident. How many different stories to you have about what happened? That is right, 10. They are not describing what happened, but creating what happened.

Your perceptions about what happened are only your perceptions.
So when you make statements out loud, or declarations, you are programming your non-conscious mind and creating the reality around you. If you say things like I am fat, I am overweight, I am ugly, I cannot lose weight and everything else negative people say, they are not describing but creating the world around them. That is why it is so important to speak only exactly that which you are attracting into your life NOW. Realizing it is not a description but a creation.

Create your declarations (and everything else) in the positive. You cannot lose weight. Because if you focus on losing weight, what do you have to focus on as a reference? Being overweight. You cannot not be fat, because then you have to focus on being fat to not be it.

Create your declarations in the positive. All stated and referenced to exactly what you are now. I AM healthy, I AM trim, I AM Slim, I AM toned, I AM . . . whatever you see yourself as now. Create your declarations based on what you need. What will make a difference for you.

If you want to really make these declarations have an impact in your life, sing them. Sing the declarations at full volume, even if you have the worst singing voice in the world. Singing puts an enormous amount of energy into the declarations. Sing it to any tune you know, make one up or just singing to no tune. I talk about the importance of putting energy into your focus a little later.

You might need declarations because you don’t believe you deserve to be slim, or you are using weight as a protection and need declarations to be safe and secure and slim. Or your weight is giving you some other benefit that you need to create declarations for. Get the declarations you need and speak them. That is what makes them declarations.

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Author: Piyawut Sutthiruk

Losing weight will keep you healthy and have a long life. Cheer Up!

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