When We Were Kids


When I was a kid I used to be able to jump like that. When I was a kid I used to be able to tumble like that. How often have you heard these comments? Probably quiet often if you are a coach or trainer. I hear these comments daily. I find them comical, as they are usually lame excuses for laziness and fear. You were better at dong these things as a kid because you done them and you weren’t afraid. You were not embarrassed or worried about feeling stupid in front of others. Take my word having fun and playing games even as an adult will go along way in enhancing your physical as well as mental well-being.

Last week my four-year-old son and I ventured off for a hike in the jungle (wooded area behind our house). We were searching for The Secret Kid’s Place. While on our journey we had to conquer numerous obstacles. In our first encounter we had to climb up a huge tree to escape the tigers. It was a close call, but we made it. Moments later we had to crawl underneath a fence then over a fence as we ventured further into the jungle. We had to walk across a tree that had fallen across the creek. My son found this very exciting, as there were crocodiles waiting to eat us below. As our journey continued we had to overcome challenges such as volcanoes (which we had to jump) and lions, which we had to out run. After a treacherous battle we reached our ultimate destination The Secret Kid’s Place. Once we reached this exotic land we sit down and had our PB&J sandwiches. “Yep we made it dad” my son replied. Then he said “this was a perfect day; think so”. I agreed this was a perfect day.

You see kids have something most adults lack imagination and the need for physically challenging stimuli. As we know these are qualities that allow members of the MaxCondition Family to constantly challenge and design new movements and thought processes. It is sad to say but most parents lack the physical qualities needed to play with their kids in the manner mentioned above. In my opinion one of the key qualities in developing real fitness is stepping out of the box and not worrying about what everyone else is doing.

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Author: Piyawut Sutthiruk

Losing weight will keep you healthy and have a long life. Cheer Up!

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