Less if more


Let’s face it, you have other things to do than spend 2 hours a day in the gym. In fact, you can complete a total body workout in less than 45 minutes. The first step to maximizing time in the gym is selecting the right exercises. If you are spending a lot of time on machines that move only one joint at a time, you are wasting time. It is simple, move more joints, up the intensity, get more results. Try this simple workout that involves no machines. Exercises are paired, so do a set with one exercise, then a set with the other exercise in the pair.

Pair #1

DB squat press – 3 x 8

Stand with feet shoulder width apart, hold a set of DB’s, perform a squat, on the way up, press the DB’s over your head.

Crunches – 3 x 15

Pair #2

Pull ups 3 x failure

That’s right, pull ups. If your gym has an assisted pull up machine, use that. If not, lay under a bar with feet planted on the floor and chest under bar. Pull you chest up to the bar and then lower yourself under control. This motion is the opposite of a push up.

Rotational lunges 3 x 8 each side

Hold a medicine ball or DB (about 5 – 8 pounds), perform a lunge and turn the trunk to the side you lunge with (lunge right, twist right, lunge left, twist left).

Pair # 3

Bench Dips 3 x 12-15

Sit on a bench, put you hands on each side of your hips with fingers hanging off the edge of the bench. Slide your butt off the bench and lower yourself until your upper arm is parallel to the ground. Then return to start position. Try to keep your back straight and as close as possible to the bench. To increase difficulty, extend legs out fully or put feet on a stability ball.

Supine leg curl 3 x 10

Lay on the ground facing up and place your heels and ankles on a stability ball. Raise your butt in the air and curl the ball into your body. Then push it out.

Try this workout 2 -3 times per week. You should be able to complete it in less than 45 minutes.

Mike Kozak M.Ed., CSCS is the co owner of Soar of Columbus Fitness Systems in Central OH. Soar of Columbus provides comprehensive speed and strength training programs for youth athletes and personal training and group fitness classes for adults. Check out http://www.soarofcolumbus.com or [http://www.strengthprogrambuilder.com] for more information on products and services.

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Author: Piyawut Sutthiruk

Losing weight will keep you healthy and have a long life. Cheer Up!

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