How to Make Exercise Fun!


Most people who start a new exercise program drop out within the first two to three months. You are much more likely to continue exercising for the rest of your life if you find an activity that you love. When you are just starting out, it may be hard to visualize how exercise could ever be fun, because now it just seems like plain hard work. But as you get more endurance, meet like-minded people, develop your skills and start to pass a few people – instead of always being the last/slowest/least coordinated – you will start to see that exercise can be much more than a chore. Here are some tips for making your exercise program more enjoyable:

– ADD MUSIC. That’s what many people enjoy most about aerobic dancing or spinning classes. Moving to your favorite sound is much more inspiring than silence. Almost any sport can be done to music. Safety caution: if you add music outdoors with a iPod, radio or CD player, make sure wearing earphones does not interfere with your safety. You should always be able to hear what’s going on around you.

– ADD PEOPLE. Find an exercise partner or a class, go to a gym, or join a club. You will find local clubs for almost every major sport or recreational activity. Get involved! You are much more likely to continue your program if it’s a sociable time and other people count on your participation.

– GO PLACES. Exercise indoors when you must, but on beautiful days, take your exercise outside and enjoy the scenery at the same time. Use your activity as an excuse to explore your area’s parks, monuments, historic spots and natural beauty. Go on a weekend tour or vacation with others in your sport. Or just breathe the fresh air in your back yard.

– BECOME AN EXPERT. Whatever activity you pick, you will enjoy it more if you learn all about it — the latest fashions and equipment, who’s who among the professional and amateur stars and so forth. Search the web for interesting sites; join a discussion forum. Every activity has its enthusiasts and you will be amazed at how friendly and helpful they are.

– REWARD YOURSELF. When you finish a particularly vigorous session, get a massage. Sit in a whirlpool or sauna. Go out to (a healthful) lunch with your exercise partner. Set goals and plan special rewards for yourself when you reach them.

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Dr. Gabe Mirkin has been a radio talk show host for 25 years and practicing physician for more than 40 years; he is board certified in four specialties, including sports medicine. Read or listen to hundreds of his fitness and health reports at

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Author: Piyawut Sutthiruk

Losing weight will keep you healthy and have a long life. Cheer Up!

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